Chapter 2

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Tessa's POV

I felt like I was in some kind of dream or prank video with my dad because I wasn't understanding what he was saying.

I sat still, frozen and dumbfounded looking at him, he had a sympathetic look on his face, because he knew what was going on through my mind.

Marriage, not just to anyone but Jace Sinclair, that guy is like what? 10 years older than I am.
Asides that I don't even wanna get married now.

"What"? I finally found my voice after a while of just looking at my dad.

"Honey, I know what you're thinking and trust me I'd never do anything that will hurt you" he explains making me shake my head at him.

"Dad, you're asking me to get married to someone I've never met before, how do you expect me to react or even know what I'm thinking"? I ask obviously surprised.

"Tess, I'm your father and I'd never lead you astray, you're all I've got since your mom died, I want the best for you" he presses

"And you think getting me married to a total stranger is the best for me"? I ask "might I add this stranger is ten years older than me"

"Honey, I know you don't know him but he's a good man, if he was anything short of that I would never ask this of you" he please with a somber expression

"Dad I can't do it, I don't even think I wanna get married now and definitely not to someone I don't know" I voice out a little loud.

"Baby, I'm not forcing you to but I'm pleading with you, the company needs this" he says making me scoff at him "and not just the company, you need someone who can take care of you when I'm not here and no better person than Jace" he explains making me almost roll my eyes at him

"I don't even like him, hell I barely even know the guy, dad I'm not doing it" I say getting up and letting my chair scrape the tiled floor.

My dad breaths out rubbing his hands through his face

"Think about it sweetie" he presses

"There's nothing to think about dad, I'm not getting married to Jace, period" by this time I'm already getting irritated by the idea so I just walk out and slam the door to his study.

I walk straight to my room, and lock the door, I don't even want to hear anything he has to say.

Trust me I love my dad but what he's asking of me, is something I can't do.
I don't even know this Jace guy and I don't even want to know him.

The idea of getting married doesn't sit well with me, especially to this Jace character.

I shut out love out of my life a few years ago after a rather sour experience with one of my ex, since then I've basically just been on my own and I'm not complaining.

I quickly pick up my phone and search for this Jace character, as much as I'm all in for the business, I don't really know him just about his company.

I type his name in the search bar and it bring up a few information about him, from his age, net worth and other things, but then all the pictures are barely even helping.

It's like he doesn't want to be caught on camera or something, it's always his side view or his back, none of it shows his face.

I search on Instagram too but he doesn't have one, weird, who doesn't have an Instagram account these days?

An old man maybe
My subconscious reminded me.

I flung my phone back on the bed in frustration, because I didn't really get much searching, then I pick it back up after a while and decide to go through the Sinclair business name.

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