Chapter 12

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Jace's POV

We were both walking through the hallway downstairs, my hands were tucked into my pocket, while hers were just beside her as she played with the Hem of her top.

Due to me being very tall, I could see her fully from head to toe, the silence between us was nerve racking, I didn't know what to say and neither did she

I had never had to worry about being nervous around a woman but with Tessa, I felt all my palms becoming sweaty.

Tessa is no doubt very beautiful, I mean if I think Raine was beautiful then definitely Tessa is too, because she's like an exact copy of her, thinking about Raine left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I look at Tessa and I could see the gears turning in her head, she didn't know why I suddenly wanted to show her round the house, and why it's so awkwardly silent for the past minute we've been walking the hallway.

Ryan was right, I had to apologise to her, it's not her fault any of these is happening, she's just as much a victim in this too.
More or less a clueless victim.

I cleared my throat making her look up at me her deep sea blue eyes making a wave of nostalgia hit me, I looked away quickly clenching my jaw.

Pull it together Jace, she doesn't know.
It's not her fault
I breathe in and out before willing myself to talk.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out, not looking at her but I could feel her gaze up on me "the other night, I didn't mean to snap at you like that, it was inconsiderate of me" I added still putting my hands tucked away in my pants pocket.

I looked at her and found her shrugging her shoulders
"It's fine, I shouldn't have tried to go against your rule" she whispered out with a small smile

"No, it's not okay, I'm not one to lose my temper like that, or take my anger out on others, and for that I'm sorry" I voice out looking at her face trying to see her reaction.

She just smiled and shrugged again like it was nothing.

"This is me making it up to you, I'll show you every nook and cranny of the mansion, I'm using up my free time for that" I mutter and I see her look at me with raised brow

"Really? What makes you think, I haven't already seen it" she asked amusement dancing in her eyes and a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips

"I bet you haven't, this house is too big, it took me almost a month of living here to even know half the places in here, even though I drew the plans myself" I tell her trying to supress the smirk on my face

"Cocky much" she whispered obviously to herself but I heard and it only make me smile a bit, she sounds just like her
"I know how big your house is, I'm just saying hypothetically, what if I've seen everything there is to see about it"? She asks with a small smile.

I just look at her in awe with a smile of my own, although, I doubt she can see it because I'm trying to hide it.

"And I'm telling you that's impossible, you couldn't have seen it, even if you wanted to" I mutter out both of us still walking side by side

For the next couple minutes, we stay silent, just walking beside each other.
I couldn't help my mind drifting to Raine.

What wouldn't I give to have here with me, I didn't get enough time with her.
I sigh out loudly

"You know, I know you don't like me or the idea of this marriage" her voice breaks my thought making me look at her, her face no longer playful but holds this sadness in them.
"I'm not asking you to like me or anything" she chuckles lightly "but we're both doing this to help each other, the least we can do is get along with each other" she muttered looking up at me, her eyes are sad, making the blue more deep than usual.

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