Chapter 8

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Jace's POV

I don't know if I should feel happy, sad or guilty.
I mean I just got married to a very beautiful woman, one that looks like my Raine, but then again, she's not her.

This will be the second time I'd be getting married in the same way to two people who look exactly alike, I don't even know how to feel about it.

All through the whole signing my mind was occupied with a lot of thoughts, was I betraying Raine by getting married again?

I can tell Tessa was trying to make the most of the whole thing but she should understand nothing is normal about us getting married.

I saw the shock on her face when we got to the mansion and it was the same look Raine had on when I brought her here, I was getting memory flashbacks.

I didn't even know Claire would be here, I didn't know Ryan had told her I was getting married, thank God she didn't call Tessa Raine because I'd hate to have to start explaining anything to her.

I was sitting in my office and looking at the wedding photo frame of Raine and I on the desk, the same one she thought I didn't smile in, I was smiling and looking at her.

Looking at it, I wish I had made the most of that day, I wish I had really wed her and not plan a stupid revenge.

She was smiling in the frame but I could tell she wasn't really happy that day, I had made sure of it.

I still remember leaving her outside that night and going to a club, time I was supposed to spend with her, I wasted it all on a stupid revenge.

I guess Karma bit me in the ass and took her away because I never deserved her in the first place, I was always hurting her

I let my hands run through the frame, God I miss her so much, today just brought back more memories of her, officially having Tessa in my home as my wife brought back memories of the time I had married Raine.

I asked Tessa never to go into her room for a reason, one I don't think I can stand her in Raine's room, two I wouldn't want her to see Raine's picture.

In a way I don't want Tessa to think I proposed the idea of marriage because she looks like my dead wife.

As romantic as it sounds, it's also very creepy
Looking at it I don't think her father told her I was married before, I bet he has his reasons.

The other room Tessa isn't allowed in is the Art room, there's still a huge portrait of Raine there, one I haven't finished yet but her face is quite complete.

I haven't been there since the day I watched that video of her after she died, Gladys and Claire go in there to clean it once in a while, but I haven't really muster up the courage to go in there.

And I haven't picked up a brush since she died, her painting was the last thing I was working on before she died and since then I've not painted anything again.

I hear a knock on the door that snaps me out of my thoughts, I look up and quickly drop the frame before asking the person to come in.

The door creaks open and Tessa peeks her head inside before walking in, she's putting on a blue knee length pants, I can't help but let my eyes wonder around her body, her legs are looking so sleek and flawless, my eyes involuntarily rakes up to her chest area, her sleeveless top showing much of her skin

I clear my throat and avert my eyes, what's wrong with me, I'm being a pervert

"Do you need something"? I ask her when she stops just in front of my desk, I can see her looking through the study and feeding her eyes

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