Chapter 6

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Tessa's POV

Shit I'm nervous, its crazy because I'm hardly ever nervous but here I am, palm sweating nervous.

Jace is standing beside me, hardly even paying much attention to me, he's just tapping away on his phone as we're both standing outside the house he grew up in

He called me this morning asking if I was free for the day, oblivious as to why he was asking, I said I was free the whole of today and he offered a proposition.

Said his step mom wanted to meet me before we signed the contract for the whole marriage and stuff, so she invited us both over for dinner.

There was no way I could escape that after having told him I was free the whole day so here we are.

Jace is putting on a navy blue suit, it's like this dude never runs out of suit, I wonder if he even has other clothes he wears at home or he eats dinner at his house wearing suit.

Jeez, what am I even thinking about, I mentally face palm myself for being so stupid.

"Are you okay"? His gruff voice snaps me.out of my thoughts as I look up to meet his eyes, those eyes always has me frozen everytime.

I smile uneasily before nodding my head "yeah I'm okay, just a bit nervous, it's not everyday you get to meet your mother in law" I chuckle trying to make a joke of the situation but I don't think Jace gets it because his face is just blank.

No smiles, no smirk, no emotions nothing.
Making me feel awkward

"You're gonna be fine" he says in a monotone, barely letting his eyes rest on me.

He rings the bell and a few moments later the door starts opening, making my nerves pick up

I try to discreetly breathe in and out to calm my nerves.

The door fully opens to reveal a woman, just as old as Martha or maybe older but her redhead makes her look younger, she has a beautiful smile on her face.

Looking closely she looks like Ryan but Jace has no resemblance to her, she opens her hands and takes Jace in a warm embrace.

"Jace, I'm so glad you could make it, I was beginning to think you'd cancel on me" she says and he just chuckles a little patting her back lightly.

She let's go off him the smile still on her face, then her eyes fall on me and boy was I surprised at her expression.

She let out a low gasp and her eyes held shock and disbelief, she didn't say anything for more than a minute, it was like she was frozen.

Jace cleared his throat "Mel, meet Tessa, Tessa meet my step mom, Melissa"

Only now does she snap out of the trance of shock she was in, her face breaks into a smile as she catches me unaware and pulls me in for a hug.

My whole body tenses for a minute before I regain my composure, I'm not really comfortable with people touching me, even though I'm trying to get over it, I still get affected sometimes.

"It's nice to finally meet you dear" she says with a sweet smile but I can still see the shock in her eyes from before.

I give her a tight lipped smile "the pleasure is mine Mrs Sinclair" I tell her and she snorts playfully.

"Please sweetie call me Mel, Lisa, Melissa, anything but Mrs Sinclair is okay" she says with a smile Making me smile back widely.

She's nice, I like her

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