Chapter 13

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Tessa's POV

To say I was shocked when Jace offered to show me around would be an understatement
I mean yes I may have blushed, felt nervous a bit and even internally danced at the offer
Don't blame me, have you seen my husband?
He's worth every swooning I'm swooning

But I never expected him to apologise for snapping at me the other night, outside the room, yeah the same night I tried to go into the forbidden room.

And the whole speech that followed almost knocked me out, that's the most I've heard him speak since I've met him.

I was having dinner in the kitchen, with Claire of course going on and on about a new series she'd seen on Netflix and wanted me to see.

After Ryan left two days ago to talk to her, she later apologised to me for breaking down like that in front of me, but I assured her there's nothing to be sorry for, you don't control how you feel around others.

But I so badly wanted to know if it was what I said that triggered her, but she assured me that it was just a rough day for her, of course I didn't believe her but I chose to let it go.

The chair at the head of the table was vacant, as always, Jace didn't come down for dinner, he never has since we got married.

Claire noticed my gaze on the chair and I could almost see the sad look on her face

"Does he ever come down for dinner"? I ask her looking at her and she breathe out before taking the seat in front of me

"There was a time when he used to, but that was a long time ago, unless of course if you'd count the times Aunt Melissa forced him to come downstairs whenever she's around" she quickly added

"Why doesn't he come down tho"? I ask wondering why he doesn't come down, is it because of me?

"It's not in my place to tell Tess" she says sadly making my shoulders slump in defeat

That's all I've been hearing ever since coming here, there's always something they can't tell me, something that I have to wait for Jace to tell me, which will never likely happen.
Don't they understand that he'll never open up to me to that point, he's not even going to be married to me for long

"It's fine Claire" I tell her giving her a smile, even though it's a half smile

She returns it with a full smile of her own before exhaling loudly "Well, why don't I make the popcorn and we'll watch a movie" she says making me nod at her

I don't like how their eyes are always so secretive, everyone close to Jace has this look that makes me feel like there's something about Jace that I don't know and it's Killing me.


"Fifi I know what I'm saying, I feel like they're hiding something" I voice out to her and I see her look at me like I've grown two heads

"Tess, you're just overreacting, you've been there for like what, barely two months and you already feel like they're hiding something? Come on" she says with a sigh
"Look, I get that you feel different because it's a new environment but don't let that mess with your head, why don't you try and get to know them more than just the regular chat you have with them" she questions and I sigh out

She'll never understand what I mean.

"You can't possibly tell me that, his mom, brother and workers all know something that you don't and they're all simultaneously hiding it from you, come on Tess, you're just being paranoid and I understand" she tries to reassure me but I'm not convinced, not in the slightest

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