Chapter 9

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Tessa's POV

I was back at work after a very uneventful and kind of boring weekend, being married isn't as they say or maybe mine is just like that.

Jace avoided me the whole weekend, I only got to see him after we got home from the courthouse when I took food to him.

I was a bit surprised when he asked for Claire to bring the food to him in his study, I mean who does that but then again I thought he might be busy that's why.

I offered to take the food to him because I just wanted to see his face, and also hear his voice.

Over the weekend I got to see a few parts of the house, mostly outside, infact the swimming pool to be precise because Claire so badly wanted a girls swim day.

She's fun, I won't lie and her mom Gladys is nothing short of a mother figure, they're really close to Jace because they refer to him by his first name and they know a lot about him.

I intend to ask a few things about him from them, maybe when I'm fully comfortable around them
I can tell Claire would make a very good friend.

I hadn't asked her yet about the other room I wasn't allowed to go into but I had made a mental note to do that over the week.

I was still thinking about my very unusual husband when my door flew open and Fiona walked in

"Good morning Mrs Sinclair" she said emphasising much energy on the last part, I just rolled my eyes at her

"Morning Fifi" I say relaxing on the chair

"How was the weekend? More so how was your wedding night"? She asked wriggling her brows at me

"Fine, I guess" I breath out and she just gave me a pointed look

"Details momma, how was it? Is he huge or just meeh"? She asked me and I just roll my eyes

"Geez Fifi, you're crazy, is that why you're here this early? God" I mutter out shaking my head
"Nothing of that sort happened okay, besides it's not like we're really husband and wife" I mutter out

She groaned out "Don't give me that Tess, come on I need something juicy" she says smiling

"There's nothing juicy Fifi, he ignored me the whole weekend" I tell her with a somber expression, I mean as much as I try not to dwell on it, it still hurts to even think about it

Her face looks sad "did you do something wrong"? She asks and I just give her a pointed look

"No I didn't, he's just not really interested I guess" I breath out

"Girl, who wouldn't be interested in all that"? She asked gesturing to me and I just chuckle and shake my head

"He's just dumb if he's not seeing a beautiful and sexy woman that needs a lay" she says wiggling her brows

"Don't even start Fi, where's my schedule, I need to get to work, enough talking about my husband" I tell her

"Who by the way is very sexy and attractive" she adds and I just laugh shaking my head before picking up my schedule


"Claire, are you busy"? I ask her sitting down on the chair while she has her back to me on the kitchen counter

"Not really, do you need something"? She asks turning around to face me

"I'm kind of bored, and I've only seen the outside of this huge house, do you mind taking me around inside"? I ask her with a small smile and she chuckles before drying her hands with the towel

"Sure, come on" she says and I get up and follow her.

We're walking with me beside her while she's showing me different room, there are over 10 rooms in the house, all have a purpose, except the really small ones.

Jace really is loaded.
I look at Claire contemplating if to ask her or not.

"You're really close to Jace" I ask and she nods "how long have you known him for"? I ask and she shrugs

"Roughly 9 years now, my mom started working for him when he built this mansion and I've known him since then" she tells me

Wow that's a long time, she must really know a lot about him.
"Uhm so you know a lot about him then"? I ask and she just nods

"I know a few things" she says

I just nod trying to think of my question.

"How is he like, you know as a boss"? I ask

"Well he's really nice, to Jace I don't think we're his employees, he treats my mom and I like family, He doesn't like when I talk about it but he singlehandedly paid for my college and high school" she says with gratitude in her eyes, wow I didn't know my husband was such a philanthropist.

"He's a really nice person, he may not seem like it but he is even after....." She stops abruptly before looking at me and shaking her head

"Even after what"? I ask curiously and she just shakes her head with a smile

"Nothing, I think I should take you to see the library, you'll love it there" she quickly changes the subject

There's something about Jace that he's hiding and everyone around me seems to know what it is except me and I will find out

I follow closely behind her as she takes a turn around the corner, right in front of us walking towards us is Jace, he doesn't look to be in this world

He seems lost and doesn't even notice us, he just walks past us, I open my mouth to say something but I don't get a chance to as Claire pulls me with her.

She doesn't say anything as she pulls me, what's wrong with him, he looks to be in pain.

"Is he okay"? I ask and she just sighs

"Yeah he's fine" she tells me, we pass by a huge door, it looks to be locked but from the doors I can tell it's a big room

"What's in there"? I ask her and she looks towards the door

"An art room" she breaths out and I just gasp out

"Really? There's an art room here, does Jace paint"? I ask and she just nodded with a sad look on her face

"But he hasn't in a while, most of the paintings in the hallway and the living room are Jace's work" she tells me, wow, I would never have guessed that Jace would be the art type.

Another thing I just learned about my husband

"Can we go see some of it"? I ask and she just shakes her head at me

"Uhm, Tess, no one's allowed in there, except when my mom goes to clean it off, Jace hasn't been in there in a long while, it's a restricted room in the house" she explains to Me and I realize, this was the room he was telling me about.

It's the room I'm not allowed in, it's his art room, but why did he stop painting

"Why did he stop painting"? I ask her and she sighs before looking at me with sad eyes

"I think Jace will be a better position to answer that question, come on let's go so I can show you the library and then the movie theatre downstairs" she says pulling me with her.

My eyes are still stuck on the art room, I wonder why Jace would stop painting, from the ones hung up on the house walls, I can tell he's really good at it.

I'd ask him
Maybe one day

Short chapter, I know but I just had to get it off the way 😁😁😘

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