Chapter 7

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Tessa's POV

This feels weird and at the same time a little bit exciting.
It feels kind of ordinary too, getting married.

I am a bit nervous but then it's not like it's a grand wedding, we're just signing papers and shaking hands like business partners.

Dad was here, so was Jace's step mother, Ryan and of course my very own PA Fiona, Martha couldn't make it, she had to be at the hospital for check up.

It doesn't feel like a wedding, we're both dressed like we're going for a business meeting, Jace is putting on a deep blue suit again, he must love the color blue a lot.

I found myself looking at him more than I should, I hope he doesn't notice, else he'll think I'm a creep.

I can't help the small mischievous looks Fiona has been giving me, she knows I like Jace, which was a big mistake on my part

We had already signed the main contract yesterday at the office, so today we're at the courthouse signing our lives away to each other.

Jace doesn't look the least bit excited about this, his face is void of emotions like always, I know it's not really the ideal or dream marriage for anyone but he should at least give a smile or something.

We're done signing whatever needed to be signed, we're now outside about to go home, I walk up to dad and give him a hug

"My princess, I'm gonna miss you" dad tells me and I just let out a light laugh.

"Dad I'm not going forever, I'll come visit and I'm still at the company too" I tell him and he just nods and pulls me in for another hug

"Your mom would have been so proud of you" I just hum into his chest

"Promise you'll be okay darling" he asks and I just nod

"I'll be fine dad, and you too, you have to promise you'll be okay" I ask him and he gives me a sad smile

"I'll be fine princess, besides I have Martha to look after me" he pecks my cheek with a sad smile on his face.

"I gotta go talk to Fi" I say to him letting him go and walking towards an almost crying Fiona

I pull her in for a hug "oh my baby is a woman now, you're a Mrs" she says Making me chuckle at her, she let's go off me and wipes a fake tear, I just roll my eyes at her

"I'm gonna miss you Tess" she says and I just give her a pointed look

"Fiona I'm not going forever, you'll see me at work Monday morning, stop being so dramatic" I tell her and she just snorts at me.

I walk away from her and walking towards dad I'm met with Mel and Ryan, Melissa pulls me in for a hug

"Congratulations honey and welcome to the family" she says and I just mutter a thank you to her, she let's me go and Ryan just stands there I know he wants to hug me too but he feels we're not that close.

I just chuckle before embracing him, he tenses for a minute before wrapping his arms around me "Congratulations sis" he says before I let him go "it feels good to call you that" he says winking at me and I just laugh

Jace walks towards us his hands in his pants pocket and his face still void of any emotions, I think it's time to go home.

"We should go" he voices out and I just nod looking at him, he leads me to the car but not before I tell dad, Fiona and Mel goodbye.

He opens the door for me and I get in while he goes over to the driver side and get in too.

He starts the car and zooms off, the drive is silent, I want to talk to him and probably ask if he's okay but I don't know if he'll respond.

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