Chapter 4

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Tessa's POV

It was as if the air was sucked out of me when he walked in and our eyes met, when I agreed to this marriage, this was not what I was expecting.

He didn't look half as old as I thought he would, and he didn't look half as ugly as I thought, no scratch that, he looked a million times more handsome than I could ever imagine

At first when I saw the COO, Ryan. I kind of wished he was the one I was getting married to because he looked attractive in person more than the pictures I saw online.

But when the Jace Sinclair himself walked in, I was rendered speechless, if I thought Ryan was handsome then this man right here is panty dropping attractive.

He could get any woman he wants without even trying, he had that perfect hazel eyes and dark brown hair, I had never seen a stubble look half as attractive on any man as it did on him.

I could tell he didn't shave or trim his hair but he still had me oogling at him without even knowing it. And when he spoke, I lost it completely.

His voice was one to send shiver to the wrong places on anyone's body, his body was one to die for, I am a lady but I was jealous at how perfect his body looked in that suit.

You can tell he worked out a lot because his biceps were something else, but there was something else about him.

Infact I noticed it first in Ryan but I brushed it off but then he did it too.
The way they looked at me upon first glance.

It was like..... They were shocked, like what they saw wasn't what they were expecting.
And I could have sworn I heard them say something, like a name.

It was for a split second, but I saw the surprise on their faces when they first saw me, like they'd seen me somewhere before but I doubt it, I don't even know them, save for the contract, I never would have.

When he gave me his card, I was surprised at first, I didn't expect it but then again he was right, if we were going to do this, the least was to have each other's number.

My fingers lightly brushed his and I felt spark, like literal Sparks, making me withdraw my hands quickly.

I tried not to stare at him all through the meeting but it was kind of hard, I didn't want to come off strong because as handsome as he is, he'd definitely have girls swarming him and I'd hate for him to see me as one of those desperate girls out there.

He looked 35 but he was pulling the whole attractive old male look very well, I mean this is someone 10 years older than me and I find him this attractive.

I drove dad back to the house, I hadn't said anything since we left the Sinclair building, and I could tell Dad was itching to hear something from me, a comment maybe.

We were sitting at the table having a few, cookies Martha made, or should I say I was having a few cookies, dad was having coffee while Martha sat opposite me just looking at us both, she'd been itching to hear how it all went.

"Well what do you think about the Sinclair kid"? Dad asked looking at me and I just shrug

"He's okay and dad that guy is almost 40 and you call him 'kid' really dad"? I say with an almost eye roll and dad just chuckles

"Do you like him"? Dad asks making my cheeks turn dead beet red and my face in an almost smile

"I don't know Dad, I mean I just met the guy today it's not like I know him before, but he's okay" I mutter out making Martha wiggle her brows at me and then she looks over to my dad

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