Chapter 15

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Tessa's POV

"Jake I can't do this please" I whispered out with tears streaming down my face and sweat all over my body
My hands were shaking and the pills were threatening to spill from my open palms

"I'm not gonna tell you again princess, better take the damn pills, they're not going to kill you, only that thing you're carrying" he muttered the last part with disgust.

I looked at him with my barely functioning eye, it had completely swollen up because of the beating I received the previous day, I felt like s train had ran me over, like literally

"You don't have to take responsibility for it, but please don't let me do this, not again please" I begged choking on my sobs

He walked towards me and grabbed my face, I winced at how hard he did, coupled with the many bruises I already had on my face

"I'm not giving you a choice Tessa, take the pills now or I'll be forced to get that thing out of you by force and trust me honey, you won't like my methods" he gritted, his eyes had gone dark.

I couldn't recognize this person in front of me, this wasn't who I thought I fell in love with
He's nothing like that man I met months ago, this is a monster

A monster that won't hesitate to kill me if I as much as dare him to

"Tessa" he called my name making me shake my head, no please

"Tessa" he sounded much louder now making me flinch, his grip on me tightened, he started shaking me violently

"Tessa" the voice sounded different now "You have to wake up" and like fireworks I jolted awake on my bed with sweat dripping all over my body.

It was just a dream, it was only a dream
I panted and looked around frantically, Claire's sage green eyes met mine as she looked at me with concern and fright

"What happened"? I asked still in a daze

"You were having a bad dream, are you okay"? She asked still peering down at me with concern, I just nodded my head and wiped the beads of sweat on my forehead

"Sorry if I startled you, I just thought it was odd that you weren't up and it's a weekend so I decided to check on you" she muttered with unease

I breathe out "what's the time"? I asked

"It's past 11" she says making my eyes go wide, just how long have I been dreaming?

"Wow" I chuckled nervously "that's really late" I muttered and I see her smile a bit

"Breakfast is downstairs, would you like me to bring it up, if you're not up to eat downstairs"? She asks and I just shake my head

"No don't worry about it, let me freshen up, I'll be down in a minute" I whisper out sitting at the edge of the bed.

She looks at me as if she doesn't believe me but she nods her head nonetheless, before walking out.

It's been like this ever since that day he snapped at me again, he apologized only to do it again.
I thought we were making progress but I was wrong

I still don't get why he was so bummed at what I told Dad
It has always been our thing, we started saying it after mom died and dad was kind of in a rough phase.

Now since that day I've been having nightmares about Jake and all the shit he did to me
I'm not blaming Jace though, because even without him snapping at me, I still would have gotten them nonetheless, it was an agony I had to live with.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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