Chapter 5

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Jace's POV

The only thing on my mind for the past few days has been this marriage thing with Tessa, I'm not really bothered about it but it's just been like a reminder on my mind.

I've tried searching for her on the internet, saw a few things but not enough to know about her, not that I want to anyways but I just want to have a heads up about her.

But there was a point in time she went incognito, two years precisely, there was no news or trending thing about her for that two years, it was like she was off the radar that two years.

Then she popped up back after the two years, and I tried to compare her pictures and look from before the two years she went off the radar and after she came back, she looked older, more mature and her eyes, they seemed distant.

I was currently lying down in Raine's old room, her scent is still here, it's lingering in the room, the sheets smell like her.

Even though most of her stuff are in my room, the few here still smell like her, and it drives me crazy.

"Raine" I breath out heavily "I'm getting married again" I chuckle out sadly "I know it's crazy, but it's for the company" I run my hands through my face

"She looks just like you Raine, the lady I'm getting married to, she looks so much like you" my eyes move to the picture of her on her bedside table.

It's a picture of both of us, I'm holding her while she took the picture with a smile on her face, the memory is still fresh in my head


Ryan had just left our place, I entered inside the house to see that Raine was not in the living room, I can hear clatter in the kitchen, which means she was there.

I walk towards the kitchen and truly she's standing with her back to me, she looks like she's trying to cook, I just smile and shake my head.

She doesn't really know how to cook, but she's always trying, sometimes she ends up burning the whole thing.

If someone had told me a few months ago when I married her that I'll end up being with her like this, I'd highly doubt it because then I was still blinded by rage and revenge against her.

I walk slowly behind her and when I get to her, I pull her close to me by her waist and I rest my head on her shoulder, she giggles because my breath is fanning her neck.

I inhale her scent "what are you doing baby"? I ask her and she just giggles and smiles at me

"I'm trying to cook dinner" she says unsure and I just chuckle, she turns around and smack my arm while my hands are resting on her waist "don't laugh Jace, you know Gladys has gone home and I'm sure you must be hungry" she says with a pout

I'm staring at her as I pull out a strand of her hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear

"Yes I'm hungry but then I don't want you stressing over it" I tell her and she frowns, I know she wants to counter me

"But....." I cut her off with my finger on her lips

"Ssh, No buts baby, come on let me take you out for dinner" I tell her and she cocks her brows at me making me smile "consider it a date wife" I grin at her

"But I don't really have something to wear" she whines her palms resting on my chest

"You don't have to dress fancy baby, you know that gown you wore the day I took you back home to meet Mel"? I ask and she nods with a hum "good, I want you to put that on for me" I tell her and she bites her bottom lip with a smile

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