Chapter 3

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Jace's POV

It had been six long years, six painful years without her in my life, every year the void in my heart just gets bigger and more wide.

I had basically created a routine for myself, go to work, get back home, go to Raine's room stay there for a few minutes and then go to mine.

I had basically just been working, Ryan has tried to get me to live a little but I can't live if she's not with me.

What kind of life would it be without her, a meaningless one, that's what.

I was standing over her grave looking at the encrusting on it, a loving wife, friend and daughter.
She was more than that to me
She was my world

Today was her sixth year death anniversary

"Baby" I breath out "it's been six years already and you know what"? I chuckle out "I still think you're gonna show up one day and say it was all a joke"

I rub my hands on my face letting it rest on my stubble, I had grown one after she died, I didn't really bother about how I looked.

"I miss you Raine, so much" I tell her clenching my jaw "you know it's hard to live without you"

"Everyone misses you, Mel, Ryan, the chick from your office" I chuckle at my stupid explanation.

I breath out
"I'll be signing a deal today, it's a business deal so I just came to tell you, wish me luck" I say before dropping the flowers on her headstone.

"I love you" I breath out before walking out of the cemetery and going into my car.

I drive to a coffee shop because I'm going to be needing a lot of that for the meeting I'd be having a few hours from now.

I stop in front of Raine's favourite coffee shop and get out of the car, just as I'm about to go in I catch something from my peripheral vision but before I look, it's gone.

It was a figure that looked rather too familiar, but I just shake my head, I've been having too much coffee to drink, it's messing with my head.

I get the coffee and head back to the office, the moment I get down from the elevator, I see Ryan pacing my office door.

He sees me and breaths out

"Dude, where have you been? I've been calling you, the man we're meeting is here already" he says pulling me

"Chill Ryan, I just went to get coffee and to see Raine" I mutter out and I see his features change a bit before he regains himself, it still hurts to talk about her.

"You're late already, come on let's go, everything has been set up, we're just waiting for you" he rushed out walking in front of me and I just follow him closely behind.

We get to the door of the conference room and he looks at me
"Are you ready"? He asks as if there was something more on the other side of the door and I just nod.

He opens and walk in first and then I follow, but what I found on the other side of the room, was not what I was expecting.

She was looking so beautiful and just like her
One word left my mouth in a whisper as I stood frozen

"Raine" it comes out as a whisper but I can already see the confusion on her face.

Ryan realizes I'm not following him so he turns to look at me and he slowly nudges my arm and I snap out of my daze but I can't help but let my eyes wander back to the person sitting in front of me

JaceWhere stories live. Discover now