Chapter Five: Christmas Cookies

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Bill and Tom were running around the house, cleaning and child-proofing everything. Annie had called at eight to make sure they were awake and ready before she dropped off her babies and younger brother. Mark had left with Simone on a run to the grocery store, leaving the house for the first time since we'd arrived. Carolyn and I watched the dogs to make sure they didn't get into anything, especially the pies, pastries, and cookies Simone worked so hard on. Scotty, Rebel, and the male St. Bernard puppy got along surprising well. Rebel was usually scared of other dogs, especially if they weren't female.

"They're here!" Carolyn called; a crimson mini van had just pulled into the driveway. I watched as two boys, who I recognized from pictures Bill had shown me, ran to the door and knocked excitedly.

"We'll be down in a minute!" Bill hollered from another room. He had fixed a box up for one of the puppies he was going to give to Lucy, and was probably trying to close it.

The next fifteen minutes were chaotic - the dogs barking, kids screeching in excitement. I sat on the couch before I felt too overwhelmed, and Rebel tried to jump up on my lap. I picked her up and rubbed her belly.

"You're Elena, right?" Annie's brother sat beside me. "You don't talk much. Annie told me. I'm Tommy. I won't make you talk if you don't want to."

Rebel licked my hand, and he continued talking about his dog. His black hair and blue eyes would drive girls crazy, if they weren't already.

"My pwetty Ewwie!" Lucy noticed me and ran over. She was so much cuter in person! Her brothers followed after her, and the three of them climbed on top of me.

Not long after their parents left, Elliot wanted to play 'concert' which I guess was his favourite game.

"Tom, you sing. Bill, you play the keyboard. Tommy play guitar. And I do drums, just like Uncle Gustav." Elliot bossed them around.

"What about us?" Lucy stomped her foot, pouting. I tried hard not to laugh; she looked so offended by her brothers' choices.

"You get to be the fans."

"But we're always the fans! I wanna be a rock pwincess!" She glared and threw a dog toy at her older brother's head.

"Luce, don't throw things at Elliot's head. You can be a princess if you want to." Bill picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder, and was about to leave the room when she stopped him.

"I want my Ewwie to come. She a pwincess too." Lucy pointed at me, and I followed them down the hall. At first I'd been worried they wouldn't like me, most kids don't, but they actually fought over me.

The next couple hours were spent playing concert and tea party, which was actually fun in a way. Lucy and her twin, Jayson, were glued to me and got mad whenever Bill tried taking my attention away from them. It was adorable!

"Hey, Luce. I know what you're getting for Christmas!" Bill teased while I coloured a picture of a monkey on a swing set with Jayson and Elliot.

"You not gonna tell me, Unka Bill. You is a meanie poopy head." She stuck her tongue out at him, and I laughed so hard my face turned red. "You no get pwesents from Santa, you naughty Unka Bill."

"Lucy!" Bill pouted, "You hurt my feelings! I'm gonna cry!"

"Good! Ewwie my new Unka!" She laughed and hugged me.

After we finished lunch, the twins needed a nap so we were left with Tommy and Elliot. Mark and Tommy were playing Guitar Hero down in the batcave, and Carolyn was playing with the puppies. She didn't know much German and felt left out. Of course, she could have gone downstairs too, Tommy's English was understandable, but when Carolyn feels left out, she sulks.

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