Chapter Twenty Seven Part Two: Falling Into Place

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This is it, the last chapter. I've been working on this fanfic for such a long time it's going to be weird not to. But hey, I have plans for a sequel already and I will probably be starting to write the first chapter as soon as I possibly can. Aka twenty minutes after I type this. So anyway, here is the chapter. Hope you likey.

I watched in a peaceful silence as Bill sat at the kitchen table, phone to his ear, making important business calls and reservations for our wedding. After lunch we had to go straight to the venue (which was, quite literally, a castle) for our first and last rehearsal. All of the wedding plans were top secret and sent out to the wedding party an hour in advance so no one, especially the paparazzi, would find out until it was over and done with. We wanted to be in complete control of what the public saw in regards to the wedding.

Simone took the kids out to do some shopping a good hour ago and even though they were gone it was still quite loud in the house. Bill placed his phone on the mess of many documents that littered the tabletop. "And now I just need to confirm our reservations for the dinner tonight. Then we can do anything you want."

"Good. Hurry up because I want to snuggle and maybe have a nap. My feet hurt and I'm tired and I really feel like crying for no real reason." I sigh as I fight back a yawn. Carolyn had made pregnancy look so easy, like it was the most natural thing in the world. She'd barely had any morning sickness and it was so unfair. "I'd kill for a Coffee Crisp. I hate that they're only in Canada."

"Mhm. They are pretty tasty." He chuckled as he placed a hand on the barely noticeable baby bump, dialling the number to the restaurant and adjusting the phone between his head and neck with the other. Bill could not wait to find out the gender of the baby and said over and over that it didn't matter if it was a boy or a girl, but I knew he wanted a girl. We already had the three boys and having a girl would be a welcomed change. Sure, Ronnie was always around and we took care of her when asked, but when it came down to it she wasn't our child. I wouldn't mind having a daughter, although I kind of wanted another boy, mostly because I found it a bit harder to relate to girls. "I'm done now. C'mon, let's go and cuddle."

"Carry me." I demand in a regal tone and hold back a laugh when he picks me up in his arms. "Can you sing to me as I fall asleep?"

"I will if you want me to." He pushes open his bedroom door and somehow we make it onto the bed without crashing to the floor. "Any requests?"

"Poker Face?"

"Wanna take a ride on my disco stick?" He winks playfully with a lopsided grin.

"Wanna take a ride on mine?" I can't help but say, making myself comfortable in his arms, my head resting on his chest. The sound of his beating heart relaxes me and I take a deep breath. "I love you so much, Bill. You've helped so many of my dreams come true."

"Hey, I love you too. I would do anything for you, just to put a smile on your face." He whispers softly, running a hand through my hair and brushing away any strands around my face. "I'll love you no matter what. I'll stay with you forever and ever and ever."

"Even when we're super old and my boobs sag to the floor?"

He tries to fight back a laugh and fails. "Yeah, because then my poor limp noodle will be so close to useless."

"It already is useless." I tease, smiling.

"Not what you said last night." He kisses my cheek and starts singing a song I don't recognize; I'm asleep before he even reaches the chorus.


"Hey, Ellie. It's time to wake up, baby. We have to get ready to go to the rehearsal. You've slept the entire time." Bill shook me awake and I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I stretch my back and stand up far too quickly, instantly feeling nauseous, and can feel my breakfast make its way up my throat. Before I can even begin to move, I vomit on both myself and the floor.

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