Chapter Ten: Baby Girl Kaulitz

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"There she is, the one wrapped in the purple blanket." A nurse said to Bill and I, pointing to a baby girl on the far right. "Are you family?"

"Yes, her uncle and aunt." Bill grinned proudly and chatted with two nurses while I watched as Carolyn was wheeled into the nursery by a male nurse. She saw me and waved me over.

After a fifteen hour labor, which resulted in a c-section, she looked pretty good. And the baby was perfectly healthy for being born several weeks early. The doctor said they could go home tomorrow; thankfully Tom and Georg had put the crib together. Mostly Georg, because Tom had no idea what he was doing.

"Have you decided on a name yet, or is she still Baby Girl Kaulitz?" A nurse asked. The male nurse, Ricky, brought the baby over.

"We have a couple ideas but we haven't picked yet." Carolyn smiled and looked up at me. "You wanna hold her?"

"Uhm, sure. I guess I could." I said awkwardly. Ricky placed her in my arms, showing me how to hold her properly. She had Tom's nose and mouth, a head full of dark curls. She yawned and opened her eyes. They were light blue, like Mom's. "Hey, where did Tom go?"

"I sent him home to sleep." Carolyn sighed.

"Yeah, he gets an extra week off. The rest of us have to be at the recording house in two days, if not sooner." Bill rolled his eyes. "Now gimme, it's my turn to hold her."

"You're so bossy, Bill. Jeesh." I teased, carefully maneuvering the baby in his arms.

Tom and Simone arrived around three, and Bill and I left. I was honestly tired of the nasty burritos, stale sandwiches, and burnt coffee they sold in the hospital cafeteria. It was just gross. Bill agreed. So we ordered Chinese takeout and ate it in his closet, where we sat on the floor playing Truth or Dare.

"Why do you never pick Dare?" Bill asked after I chose Truth for the tenth time in a row.

"I don't trust the Dare. I'd rather tell the Truth. Your turn - Truth or Dare?" It was partially true. Me and dares have a bad history.

"Truth, since I'm tired of licking random shit in my room."

"Ok. Hm. Fuck, Marry, Kill - Miley Cyrus, Gerard Way, and Andrea from The Walking Dead." I grinned.

"Marry Gerard, fuck Andrea, kill Miley. Sorry, Miley." He shrugged. "Not gonna bother asking Truth or Dare, cause I know you'll pick truth. So! If I ever asked you to marry me, what would your answer be?"

I thought about it before answering. "I would probably say yes, if you can handle my crazy."

"Seriously though. Will you?"

"Are you proposing again?" I giggled. But he appeared to be totally serious.

"Yep. I don't even have a ring, oh my god I should have gotten one first. I'm an idiot." Bill rambled on nervously. It was cute. "Ok, I'll shut up now."

"No, Bill. I will totally marry you. We should, like, elope." I still thought he was joking, to be honest. We still hadn't even gone public with our relationship yet. "I want cake."

"No, you want my babies."

"Only if they're made out of cake." That sounded better in my head.

"You are not eating my cake babies!" He gasped, placing a hand over his heart, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "Stay away, monster! The power of Christ compels you!"

"What's wrong with your head?" I managed to choke out.

"I'm blaming you." Bill grinned, becoming serious once more. "I know you told me you didn't want to rush into anything, but would you seriously consider it? Summer's almost over and you'll have to leave soon, probably before I'm finished with writing and recording. It's just... I love you so much."

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