Chapter Eighteen: Halloween Part One

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We fully moved into the new place, donated old furniture, and finished the required training sessions. One of Bill's lawyers called to let me know that I'd officially been granted US citizenship and was now a Los Angeles resident. Bill and I finally decided on a wedding date - sometime during the Christmas holidays while we were in Germany. That way, Mark and my biological family could attend the wedding. We had also picked the perfect venue. The ceremony would be small, just us and our immediate family, maybe one or two of Bill's closest friends. Of course, that included the Listings, Gustav, and Heidi. Annie liked to tease, saying the only food we'd serve would be pizza, Chinese take-out, and pasta. I had already asked her and Carolyn to be my maids of honour, Ingrid agreed to be a bridesmaid, while Lucy and Ronnie would be flower girls. Mark and Dominik would walk me down the aisle; I had the whole thing planned out in my head.

Before I knew it, it was October 31st.

"Look at these puppies!" Bill squealed, showing me a picture of what appeared to be a pile of furry wrinkles. "We should get one!"

They don't really look like puppies. Are you confused again?" I raised an eyebrow and resumed scrolling on Tumblr. We were waiting for Annie to finish today's homeschool lessons with Elliot and Tommy, so we all could get ready together. Bill and I were going as BeastBoy and Raven from Teen Titans (the first show I had really been obsessed with at age 11), Tommy as Carl Grimes, Tom and Carolyn as the Joker and Harley Quinn. Gustav and Heidi were already dressed as Peter Pan and Wendy; Annie, Georg, and the kids chose to be Power Rangers. That left Ronnie, whose costume would be a surprise.

"They're cute and I want one." Bill pouted.

"Yeah but you want every dog you see."

"Well I reaaaaally want one. I've always wanted an English bulldog."

"And I've always wanted every issue of The Walking Dead. We don't get what we want all the time."

"Well I do. And I want a hug." He placed his phone on his pillow, climbing towards my spot on the floor.

"Too bad for you." I smirked and moved away from him.

"You're so mean! I'm gonna cry."

"Ha, yea right." I laugh and am caught off guard when he decides that now is the perfect time to pick me up and drop me on the bed. "Hey!"

"Should have given me a hug." He winked, turning to face the window with his back towards me.

"You're such a pain in the butt. Lucky for you that I love you." I fake a frown before launching myself onto his back, taking him by surprise. Thankfully he didn't lose his balance, or we'd both fall out of the window to our unfortunate and early deaths. Which would have really sucked. We did, however, fall on the floor when my phone rang and scared Bill. He was the first to reach for it, and accepted the call.

"Hi, Ms Cole!" He smiled, "Yeah, she's right here. Hang on, I'll put you on speakerphone."

"Hey Ms Cole." I say.

"I have some good news for you! You've both been approved. And that's not all - we've got a sibling group ready to be placed and adopted." Ms Cole announced. "I know you have the rooms ready and was wondering if they could go trick or treating with all of you and then stay over until November third. It would be a great chance for you and the kids to get to know each other and bond."

"Can you give us a few minutes?" Bill asked with a grin. He was so excited! And so was I. This had been my dream for such a long time. "To talk it over and everything?"

"Yes, absolutely. Call back when you've reached a decision."

"Alright. Talk soon." I end the call and we both say yes at the same time. Well, more like screamed and jumped on the bed, overjoyed at the chance to be parents. Bill calmed down enough to call Ms Cole back and inform her of our decision, and she tells us a social worker will bring the kids over in an hour. Of course, I'm bouncing around the house telling everyone the good news. Gustav was more excited than I thought he'd be and we sat on the front steps waiting for the blue van owned by the children's home; Bill stood at the end of the driveway holding Rebel's leash in one hand and carrying Luce in the other.
It's funny how one phone call can change everything. I thought it would be at least four years before we got our first placement, instead it took less than four months. Although, Bill's lawyers were the best you could get, and that more than likely helped a lot, along with our new adoption lawyer.

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