Chapter Four: End Of The World

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Bill had been right about the paparazzi in Germany; a mob of screaming girls and reporters with flashing cameras were waiting for us the moment we got off the plane. Several body guards led us to an SUV, and we waited for them to come back with our luggage so we could leave. Carolyn helped Mark into the SUV; he was still sore and in a lot of pain. As soon as he'd been discharged, we were gone. Of course, we had to bring Rebel and Carolyn's evil cat, because I would hate to leave them alone on Christmas. The neighbours agreed to look after the house and feed the animals for next to nothing, which was awesome.

"We're here." Bill grinned, distracting me from my thoughts. He hurried to open my door, helping Rebel and I out. "My mom can't wait to meet you!"

"Billi! Tommi!" A woman who looked a lot like Bill and Tom shrieked from the front door and ran over. She gave them both big hugs, before helping Mark inside. Once we were settled into the living room with mugs of warm hot chocolate, she introduced herself and insisted we call her Simone.

"Boys, go upstairs and unpack while the four of us get acquainted." Simone waved her sons off, sitting in the space between Carolyn and I.

After we had something to eat, Bill asked me if I wanted to go for a drive with him. For a while, we drove around looking at Christmas lights and talked about the world ending until Bill pulled over.

"Something wrong?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Oh, no. I just wanted to ask you something. Something important." He grinned nervously. I waited for him to say something.

"Are you going to sit there and stare at me, or ask already?" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay." He took a deep breath, "I know we haven't really known each other long, but I can honestly say that I've never felt this way about anyone. You're amazing, and every second I spend with you I'm in heaven. I know you're scared I'll leave, but I swear on my life I would never do that to you. I'm in too deep."

Of course, being me, I couldn't stop myself from crying. Bill wrapped his arms around me and held me until I stopped, wiping away my tears as he continued with what he'd been saying.

"I would have taken you out to dinner in a fancy restaurant for this, but I know how much you hate being in public. Ellie, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to. But..."

"What is it? I'll do anything you say."

"I don't want to rush into things. We have to go slow."

"Fine with me." He let out a sigh of relief, grinning from ear to ear. "Is there anywhere you would like to go?"

"Surprise me." We drove around for a while longer and stopped at a gas station.

"What are we doing here?"

"Junk food run. And I have a friend that works here. Pick as many things as you want." Bill's smile was contagious, and soon everyone was smiling. I walked around with a basket and chose five of every chocolate bar and bag of candy I saw. If tomorrow really was the end of the world, I'd die happy the candy was much different than back home, although I did find gummy bears, skittles, M&Ms, and Hershey's Cookies n Creme.

There was something very familiar about this place....

Once I finished, I found Bill talking to the man at the counter and assumed it was the friend he had mentioned.

"That's her?" The man asked, and Bill nodded. "She's much prettier than you let on. I'm surprised your brother didn't get to her first."

"She's got a sister." Bill shrugged and turned to me. "This is Henri; he's one of Annie's cousins. He's really weird so you can just ignore him if you want."

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