Chapter Nineteen: Halloween Part Two

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To be able to feed seven hungry kids and eight adults, Tom ordered nine pizzas for an early supper. Sam sat next to me while we ate, and by talking to him, I learned things about him and his brothers. Julian was the oldest, aged eight. Sam was six and like I'd found out earlier Cody was four. Their father died before Cody had been born, leaving their mother to raise them alone. But unfortunately she died a couple years later; Sam didn't remember how, just that he and his brothers had been separated the same day they were placed in their first foster homes. They'd moved around a lot in that first year before living in a group home for boys. Sam said the first things he learned were not to trust anyone, promises are supposed to be broken, families are not real, and everyone lies. 

I wanted to prove him wrong. That promises are meant to be kept. That it is okay to trust people, that not everyone will lie to you. That families are real and maybe we could be one.

"As soon as you are done eating, go sit by Gustav. Alright?" Tom had to raise his voice in order to be heard over the excited kids. Sam, Elliot, and Lucy ran to Gustav who passed each of them a wet wipe to wash their faces and hands. Tommy and Jay were next, leaving Julian and Cody. I got up for one last garlic finger, taking pictures on my phone of everyone and Bill followed me.

"How may I help you, good sir?" I smile, snapping a picture of his green face and hair. His green contacts looked really good - he was the perfect Beast Boy. My inner 12 year old fangirl was screaming at me.

"You okay? You look like you're dying inside or something." Bill raised an eyebrow. "Is it me? I know I'm hot."

"It's not you, it's Beast Boy." I blurt and cover my mouth in shock, feeling my face flush. What is wrong with me?!

"That's so adorable!" Bill chuckles and raises his voice. "Guys! Ellie's got it bad for Beast Boy!"

"Way to go Raven!" Cheers Georg and thankfully before anyone can say much else, the kids are ready to go. Carolyn walks out of the bathroom with Ronnie, who is dressed in a ridiculously pink dress loaded with glitter. Pink wings are attached to her back and I have absolutely no idea as to what she's supposed to be; I take photo after photo after photo.

"Now listen closely, kids." Bill says once everyone has their shoes on and candy bags in hand. "No running away from the group. No crying, no tantrums. Be good and listen, or I will take your candy and eat it all."

"How rude!" Lucy exclaimed and I tried my hardest not to laugh but ended up snorting really loud instead. She just really reminded me of Stephanie from Full House. "No touching my candy!"

"We're gonna split into groups and then after a bit we will all meet up and get candy together." Said Tom.

"I'm going to call out your names and tell you what grown ups you will be going with." Bill unfolded a piece of paper. "Tommy, you're going with Gustav and Heidi. Elliot, you're going with Ronnie, Tom, and Carolyn. Julian, Cody, and Sam, you three are with me and Elena. So that means Luce and Jay, you're stuck with your parents. Sorry."

One of the main TH TV photographers takes photos outside, and once we've posed for a group photo, we're free to go. Julian keeps his distance, which is absolutely understandable. We're pretty much strangers to him, people he doesn't know well enough to trust. Sam on the other hand is in awe of Bill. He looks at him like he's the coolest guy he's ever seen. But to a six year old, I guess he would appear that way. Cody seems indifferent.

We see a group of kids at a house down the street and it's our first stop. Bill and I smile as an elderly lady answers the door with three cans of root beer, chocolate bars, and small bags of nacho flavoured Cheetos.

"Wow! That's a lot!" Cody exclaims and thanks the woman. "Happy Halloween!"

One block turns into three, and their bags are nearly full. Good thing I came prepared and with pillowcases.

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