Chapter Twenty One: Adventures In Disneyland

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The woman at the desk fastens the bracelets on our wrists, making sure they're on correctly, and tells us to have fun. She also hands us a map of the park as well as a time and location sheet for when and where Disney characters will be roaming around the park. I scan the page for Peter Pan, because I've seen YouTube videos of Peter Pan in Disneyland and he's pretty cool.

"Let's go on the teacups first! My friend Haldynn from school told me they were the best!" Sam exclaims, and so that's where we go first. Bill and Julian (mostly because I want them to spend time together and get to know one another a bit better) find a blue one, and I sit in a purple one with Sam and Cody. The ride starts and we spin the teacup as fast as we can.
They're having fun, I'm having fun, and I know that they will remember today for a long time. I look over at Bill and Julian's teacup and they seem to be getting along, seeing as they are both laughing hard. It would make a good photo and it's a shame I can't reach my phone in order to take one. The ride soon slows to a stop and I get off first with Sam and Cody.

"Look! It's Captain Hook!" Sam cries out and drags us over to the pirate. "Hi, Captain Hook! You're my favourite!"

Captain Hook gives him a thumbs up and they pose for pictures. Peter Pan and Wendy must not be very far away; I'm proven right when Cody spots them walking in our direction. Bill and Julian catch up with us and together we wait for the Disney couple (I ship the absolute hell out of Peter and Wendy to be honest). Captain Hook takes off, so we walk over to Peter and Wendy.

"Well hello there!" Peter smiles and Julian gives him a hug.

An actual hug!

From Julian!

To say I'm shocked would be an understatement.

"I always knew you were real!" Says Julian, looking up at the redhead in awe. "Can I be a Lost Boy?!"

"Of course you can. We can fly all over Neverland together and defeat the pirates!" He exclaims and I take as many photos as I can. We walk with them for a while and they point us in the direction of somewhere to eat. We sit at one of the tables and a waiter with menus approaches us; he recognizes Bill and and asks when the next tour will be.

"I don't know, the dates haven't been decided on yet. But next year probably, after the album has been released." Bill told him and signed an autograph when asked. The waiter left to let us decide what we want to eat.

"Why did he want you to write your name on a paper?" Sam asked.

"Because he likes my band."

"You're in a band? Are you famous?!" Julian asked incredulously, intrigued by the idea.

"Yeah. With Tom, Georg, and Gustav. We're pretty famous. Mostly in Europe, which is where we're from." Bill explains, "Now look at your menu and pick something to eat. Anything you want! But save room for desert!"

Julian opens his menu and after a minute closes it, slamming it down on the table. "Not hungry."

Bill arches an eyebrow. "The sounds coming from your stomach suggest otherwise."

"No." He glared at the menu like it was the worst thing he ever saw.

"He's mad 'cause he can't read it. Mr Todd says he got dysclexia." Sam blurts, earning a glare and a jab to the ribs from his angry older brother.

"Oh. Well, look at the pictures and show us what you want, Julian." I say and he picks up the menu sulkily. It's a good thing the menu actually has pictures of the meals because I know it's not like that in some places. I turn to face Cody and ask if he knows what he wants yet.

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