Chapter Fourteen: Don't Be Scared Of The Dark

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"Are you alright?" Bill asked me and I nodded. "Good." He kissed the top of my head, and the second officer, the one who spoke to Aunt Cindy, came to talk to us.

"Do you want to press charges? I saw her physically assault you and you're probably going to have a nasty bruise."

"Yes. What'll happen to her, now that she's violated the restraining orders? Is she under arrest?" I asked the officer.

"Yes, she is under arrest. She may face jail time, as well as be charged for several felonies and a misdemeanor. And because she's violated not only three restraining orders but two no contact orders as well, it's going to be a much bigger and serious charge." He wrote a couple things down on his clipboard and turned to Bill. "You're her boyfriend?"

"Fiancé." Bill nodded.

"Ok. Great. Could I get your name, sir?"

"Bill Kaulitz. That's K-A-U-L-I-T-Z." Bill spelled out, and the officer thanked us before talking to Mark.

"This is so stressful. All I want to do is go home and crawl into bed." I sigh, squeezing Bill's hand. "And my face hurts."

"I'm sorry." He whispered. The officer got back in his car and they drove off. We finished up and went home, where we ate leftover pizza and cookies. Mark left to take a shower and Bill had a song to finish.

I fed the animals, put fresh hay in the goat's stall, and played fetch with the dogs for a bit to tire them out. It also gave me time to think about everything that's happened in the past eight hours. Really, there's no reason why I shouldn't just leave with Bill, except for the fact that I didn't want to leave Mark here alone. Both sides of our family disliked him. He had enemies here. Paul and his gang wanted revenge, because Paul is on house arrest for stabbing Mark last year.

Maybe we could sell the house, split the money. Or rent it out. Do something, because Mark needs to start fresh. Move someplace where no one knows him. And that's something I need to do as well.

Bill: we should elope

Me: shut up and finish your song, Bill. I'm not going to be a distraction when you obviously have work to do.

Bill: can't, not without Tom. It's mostly done though

Bill: I still think we should elope

Me: why?

Bill: it sounds exciting, don't you think?

Bill: I'm bored

Bill: Mark's playing World of Warcraft

Bill: are you still outside

Me: yes, I'm outside.

Me: as for eloping...maybe

Me: not yes. Maybe.

"Why only maybe?" Bill said from behind me, and I jumped about a foot into the air.

"Let's have a bonfire." I changed the subject, "We can roast marshmallows."

"Sure! I'll get the marshmallows!" Bill grinned, running down the hill and into the house with the dogs chasing after him. I went behind the barn and drug bags of dried leaves, twigs, and old firewood to the back of the house, a good ten feet away. It didn't take long to set everything up. All I had to do now was sharpen some sticks and build the fire up. Bill and Mark brought the ingredients for s'mores, tofu sausages, and sausage buns.

"So I was thinking. After the bonfire we should bury Mom's ashes." Mark took a stick and sharpened it with one of Dad's old hunting knives. I honestly don't even know why I still refer to that asshole as Dad.

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