Chapter 5

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Anya pov

Being a model's wife is hard. All morning, my hair was being pulls and yanked and until the hair dressers were satisfied with the style.

Despite taking so long with my hair, they seemed to be in a rush

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Despite taking so long with my hair, they seemed to be in a rush. They barely gave me five minutes to decide on what I was going to wear. I decided on a pretty red swing dress with a see-through shawl covering up the sleeveless shoulders. Plain black gloves completing the outfit.

Once I was finally ready I exit my bedroom I see Damian waiting for me, wearing a black Harrington jacket with a pair of beige pleated trousers. His black hair was done up in a college contour. He looks at me, "They spent that long to do what exactly?"

"Shut it," I said rolling my eyes.

"Remember what I said last night?" he asks me.

"You said a lot of things last night," I say. "You expect me to remember it all?"

He leans closer, up to my ear. "The minute we leave this hall, we're husband and wife."

I push him away from me, "Get off," I grunt then I walk over to the end of the hallway and wait.

He walks over to me, "the show must go on."

He offers me his arm and I hesitantly take it, "the show must go on," I repeat.

He leads me downstairs to the dining room, "Is anyone in there?" I whisper before we open the door.

"My dad," he whispered back. "Don't speak to him, I'll greet him, you curtsy then take off your glove and take a butterbrezel, then we'll leave."

"Shouldn't we sit down to eat?" I ask.
He groans, "Just do as I say."

He opens the doors then a butler announces our presence, "Young Master, Damian and his wife have arrived, sir!"

We walk over to the table and Damian bows, nudging my slightly so I curtsy, making use of the prep school lesson I used to attend. "Good morning, father."

Donavon Desmond grunts in response. I slip my arm out of Damian's the carefully take off my right glove and I pick up a butterbrezel carefully then quickly swipe a second one and slip it into Damian hand.

"We'll be going now father," he says bowing again then we turn around and leave again.

"What part of 'Just do as I say' did you not understand?" he asks after the door closes.

"I just thought you'd like to eat some as well," I stutter, shocked that he was scolding me. I can't even read his mind to figure out what the problem is.

I try to slip my arm back into his, then I realise he was shaking, "Dami..."

He starts eating the butterbrezel, "You're still scared of him?" I whisper.

"We've got to get going," he mutters. "Come on."

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