Chapter 6

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Anya Pov

Damian was shaking all the way to the park, as if he'd just experienced something from her worst nightmares.

He did eat the buterbrezel after I finished mine, but the fear stayed with him until he was in front of the cameras - his already blank mind felt stone cold as his attention waas entirely on the lens.

He doesn't even feel real, I think to myself.

"Mrs Desmond," someone calls out.

Damian nudges me as it takes me a few moments to realise the person was talking to me, "Yes?"

"Could you sit on the edge of the fountain?" the man asks.

I look at Damian and he nods slightly so I go sit on the edge of the fountain then Damian goes over to the photographer and whispers someting in his ear.

His words echo in the photographers mind so i get ID hear them.

"Camera flashes make her dizzy, limit the amount you take of her facing the camera."

"How does he know that?" I whisper.

The photographer passes the message to the other photographers and staff.

They then direct Damian to  stand at the opposite side of the fountain.

"Mrs Desmond please look towards your husband," one photographer instructs.
After that most of the pictures were taken with my back to the camera.

Did Damian make up an excuse so my face wouldn't be any of the pictures because he thinks I'm ugly? I ask myself. It's just a coincidence that he was right.

After a what felts like thousands of photos, we were moved to a bench, the cameras were now facing me.

Damian got up and started speaking with the photographers again.
"I told yo camera flashes make her dizzy!"

"We've got to get a few with her face in them," they protest.

"And if she faints mid-shot?!" Damian demands.

"Then we'll have a lunch break."

"We should have had one half an hour ago," Damian grumbles.

He sits down next to me then turns and whispers in my ear. "Just focus on me. Not the flashes."

Suddenly pictures are taken from every angle.

My head starts spinning then Daman grips my hand.

"Just focus on me," he repeats.

All of a sudden, Damian's mind is filled with different things.

Images of himself, some of me, our time at school, pink roses, strawberries, cherries, kittens and puppies and random little pretty things.

His words echo in my mind, "Just focus on me."

He knows what I am.

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