Chapter 19

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Anya pov

After Becky's house, I decided to go on a walk through the park. It's not far from Becky's but it was a bit far from Damian's.

I walk on through the park and helped some children as I go by, one had fallen off his bike and grazed his knee, one was crying because her tooth had fallen out whilst she was eating an apple, on was stuck on a jungle gym whilst her father was busy reading a newspaper and one had attempted to rescue a cat from a tree but the cat jumped down and left him stuck up there, I wasn't tall enough to actually get him down but I managed to find someone to help me.

By the time I'd reached the end of the park, my clothes had been stained by mud and grass. 

"No husband today  Miss?" I hear a voice ask me.

I turn to see the Honeycomb and peanuts seller from the other day. "No sir."

"Does that mean you'd like to buy something today."
I huff, "Yes I would." Now I don't have to share with Damian.

I buy a bag of the peanuts then thank the man. He tilts his hat to me. 

Normally I'd expect a person like him to be Papa in disguise but I'm actually surprised that it isn't him.

I get on the tram, rather embarrassed that my dress was so dirty when I realise the tram driver was in fact Papa in disguise. I didn't even have to read his mind, the look of utter dismay gave it away.

It took me a while to get home after that.

When I arrived I was exhausted, the stairs to our wing didn't help. I go down our hallway and pause outside Damian's room.

Should I go inside? 

I look down at my dress, I'd better change before he start's making fun of me.

I head into my room and take off the muddy clothes and change into a pajama dress, Heidi had laid out for me.

I head over to the door to go out to see Damian but as I open it, he appears with his hand raised to knock on the door.

He takes in a breathe as he examines me then deflates slightly, "Oh you've changed already?"

I tilt my head at him surprised, "Well I've had a long day, so I thought I'd change," I expalain.

"How long did you spend at at Blackbell's?" he asks me, a hint of annoyance lacing his tone

I look at him crossly, "Who told you I was at Becky's? Do you have someone following me?" I've already had enough of Papa and Mum constantly watching me, I don't need more people following me around.

"No you idiot, Hildegarde told me," he rolling his eyes then shaking his head. "She got back at 3, it's now 7."

I lean back to look at the clock in my bedroom, "It's 6:55." Why is he so annoyed?

"Ugh!" he exclaims. "You're unbelievable! I'll just have tea on my own then."

"Tea?" he storms off into his bedroom without explaining further. 

This would be so much easier if I could read his mind.

Suddenly his thoughts tickle my ears, 'stupid night dress'.

I don't know why but a blush creeps up into my cheeks.

I hide my face in my hands. He got distracted by my night dress?

My mind goes back to the tea he mentioned. Was he planning to have some tea with me?

I ring the bell to call Heidi and Wilhelm and ask them to bring Damian and I some tea and some Empire biscuits and tea cakes.

When the return I take the tray from them but ask Wilhelm to knock on the door for me.

"Master Damian, may I enter?" he calls.

"Yeah," a gruff voice calls back.

Wilhelm opens the door but nudges me slightly so I don't see inside Damian's room, "Master Damian, Miss Anya is also here to see you."

"Wha...oof," Damian bashes his head on the headboard then gets up, I hear a thudding noise as I peak over to see him fixing his hair. 

He spots me then his panicked expression changes to a calm one as he kicks away the book he must have dropped, "What do you want, Anya?"

I show him the tray of tea and biscuits, "I thought we could have some tea." 

"Oh, alright then," his expression softens. "Wilhelm, bring out the table then."

Wilhelm opens the curtains and moved a small table and chairs to make space for us to sit then takes the tray from my hands and sets it out for us.

We sit down by the window, the sunset making even Damian's dark room glow with warmth.

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