Chapter 21

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Since that night, Damian and Anya had been having tea together at sunset. Anya happened to tell Hildegarde about it and she arranged it so Damian always finishes before sunset, whether they ate dinner or not, tea time was very important.

Even after the Mode magazine came out and sales increased "through the roof" as Demetrius had put it, Hildegarde made sure Damian was always home on time.

Whether they ate tea with cakes and biscuits or just milk and cookies, they just had to spend that time together.

Damian didn't mind, though to Anya it quickly became a chore as Heidi ensured that she always looked her best just for that short period of time.

One night she went with her hair up, and one night she went with her hair down, one day she wore gold studs in her ears and one day she wore diamond chandelier earrings.

Damian's mother was due to return on Friday, so on Thursday, Damian made a stop off at a jewellery store that often worked with the company.

"Mother will be displeased if Anya doesn't look her best tomorrow," he muttered as he scanned the diamond and gold necklaces. He disregarded the large necklaces made up of white pearls of different sizes because despite them being in fashion he saw them as too bulky and he thought they'd be too heavy on Anya's neck. 

He looked up and down on a section of statement necklaces until he called out to Wilhelm to come to him. Wilhelm hurried over to his impatient employer and said "Is there a problem, Master Damian?"

He points at the necklace that had caught his eye, a mix of dark blue and clear diamond necklace that formed a butterfly shape at the centre.

Without looking at the older man, as he hid the embarrassment showing in his cheeks, Damian asked, "Does Anya have a dress that would go with this necklace?"

Wilhelm inspected the necklace, "You do have impeccable taste Master Damian," he commented as the jewellery seller squealed as she understood that Damian was in fact looking for a present for Anya. (High-key fangirling in the mid 50s).

"I seem to remember storing a sleeveless black and cream dress that had a butterfly lace over the skirt," the butler recalls.

Damian assertively turns to the girl behind the counter, "Would she wear this necklace and a dress like that?"

"Master Damian... I am certain if you inform Miss Adelaide that the dress and necklace should go together, she will bring it out for Miss Anya..."

Ignoring Wilhelm, Damian continues to not break eye contact with the seller.

"Uh...mmm," she stutters frazzled by Damian's directness. She shakes it off then says "Yes sir, I'm sure Miss Anya would like it from what I've seen in the papers of her and your recent magazine, she looks amazing in everything."

"Yeah... she does, doesn't she?" Damian mutters to himself. "Alright, I'll buy it, and that bracelet made of silver roses for Mother as well."

"Yes-sir," she nods. 


In the evening, at tea time, Anya had escaped Heidi's nagging and went straight to Damian's room.

Damian wasn't surprised at her unkempt appearance, he knew she'd break sooner or later. "What were you up today?" she asks to make conversation. 

"Preparing for mother's return tomorrow," he shrugs as he drinks his tea to appear calm and relaxed.

"What did you prepare?"

Damian pushes the box containing the necklace on the table. "I got Mother a bracelet," he says. "And I got this for you to wear tomorrow."

Anya's face lights up as she opens the box and the necklace glitters in the light, "Wilhelm said you've got a dress to go with it," Damian continues. "That maid of yours will get it out for you in the morning."

"Can you help me put it on?" she asks shyly as lifts up her hair to move it out of the way.

Damian hesitates for a second then puts down his cup and walks over to her. He picks up the necklace, struggles for a bit to undo the clasp then carefully clips it around her neck.

Anya turns to the window to see her reflection but Damian goes to a drawer and pulls out a silver hand mirror then gives it to her.

"Careful with that, family heirloom," he mutters.

"It's really pretty, Damian," Anya says as she looks at the necklace through the mirror.

Damian chuckles, "The mirror or the necklace?" 

"Both," she nods affirmatively. 

"Alright," he nods. "Make sure to wear tomorrow."

She saluts him to confirm she got the plan. 

"We might have to miss tea time tomorrow though," he mutters. "Father will probably make us go out to dinner."

"Okay," she says, a pang of disappointment  twitches in her chest. 

Damian helps her take the necklace off and puts it back in the box safely.

The rest of the night continues as per usual.

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