Chapter 12

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Anya pov

I spent the whole day playing with Bond and chatting with Papa and Mum. They seemed a bit different, they hadn't really spoken to each other at all this past week.

Well they were spending most of their time spying on me and Damian instead of working.

They also weren't very good at lying as I brought up the fiasco in the park with the photoshoot, both extremely flustered as they pretended like it was the first time hearing about it.

Mum had already slashed their cameras after the photos were processed and Papa had already completely and fully investigated the entire camera crew.

For dinner, Papa had made some Britannian food, a dish called Shepherd's Pie which was doused in hot gravy. "This is pretty yum, Papa," I say.

"That's good," he says. "I was the aid for Senator Lamperouge  a few months ago, his wife, Kallen taught me the recipe." 

"Oh that's interesting," I say.

He turns to Mum, "That reminds me, she said she wanted to  meet you if you're ever in Britannian Empire."

Mum's cheeks flushed pink, "You spoke about me with a Senator?"

"And his wife yes," he nods.

Her cheeks go even redder as a I laugh.

Finally Papa and Mum start talking about just random life things as Bond and I eat, until the door bell rings at 7 o'clock.

"It's seven already?!" Mum exclaims. "The time flew by so fast."

Papa opens the door with Damian waiting shyly at the other end, "Evening, Mr Forger."

Mum grabs hold of me and Bond jumps on my lap protectively, "I don't want you to go yet."

Damian looks at us amused and said "We're not in a rush."

"Yes!" Mum exclaims as Bond howls. "Would you like some tea dear?" she asks Damian. "I have Pfefferminztee, Fencheltee or  Hagebuttentee."

"I'll have Pfefferminztee," he says as Papa leads him inside.

He sits down next to me, "Your apartment is very... virtu," he says pausing slightly to think of the correct descriptive term.

"It's pretty humble but we make do," Papa says sitting down in the arm chair.

Everyone sits quietly as Papa and Damian drink their tea and then Damian said we had to go. Papa pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear, "If you ear need me, I'll be there at the speed of sound."

Mum gives me a hug as well and then Damian and I, leave together. As we head down the stairs I ask him, "How fast is the speed of sound?"

"three hundred and thirty.... why are you even asking?" he stops midway.

"That's how fast Papa says he'll kill you if you ever hurt me."

"We barely even talk most of the day, when will I have time to hurt you?"

I shrug.

We reach the car -Wilhelm waiting patiently inside- and get in to find a shopping bag, "You went shopping?"

Damian looks at me, embarrassed, "Yeah."

I realise its for me so I peak into the bag find a black flower print dress resting inside. 

"What possessed you to buy me a dress?"

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"What possessed you to buy me a dress?"

Suddenly a rush of memories of this morning from Damian's perspective enter my head from Damian's mind.

My eyes widen as I look at him, I start giggling causing him to look away as his fair skin runs deep red. "You bought me a dress because I looked upset this morn..."

"Take us home, Wilhelm," Damian cuts me off. 

I giggle quietly to myself the whole way home and Damian's face stays the same shade of red as well.

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