Chapter 10

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Damian pov

I lie down in bed laughing slightly of Anya hopscotching in and out of the hall when the butler enters the room. "Young Master I knocked several times..."

"It's alright, Wilhelm," I say, sitting up. "I was just lost in thought."

"Miss Anya is a very entertaining girl, Young Master. It is understandable that you spend a lot of time thinking about her," Wilhelm responds. "She has expressed that she'd like to eat her Afternoon tea."

"Are the cooks done?" I ask. "Did they make any Westalian food for her?"

 "Pickert and some Pumpernickel to eat with the Soljanka (solyanka) that the cooks had already prepared,"  Wilhelm lists.

"Doesn't bread take forever to make?"

"Cook Adelais, is from Westalia, she had a feeling Miss Anya may want to eat some food from Westania to make her feel more at home so she prepared the pumpernickel."

"Smart, give her a raise."
"Do you want me to tell Miss Anya to join you downstairs."

I pause, Father always had servants summon Mother whenever they needed to talk. I don't particularly want to treat Anya the same way.

"No, I'll get her myself," I say, getting off the bed. I see myself in the mirror and begin fixing my hair then I hear Wilhelm stifle a chuckle.

I glare at him then march out of the room to mask my embarrassment.

I go over to Anya's room and knock on the door, "Anya? We can go and eat now," I say softly.

"Alright, I'm coming," she calls back.

I decide to wait for her to come, and a minute later the door creaks open, "You're still here?"

I see her in a comfortable- looking white night dress with her long hair finally relaxed down her back, compared to it being all tied up this morning.

"If I left you on your own you'd get lost finding the stairway," I scoff.

"Do you know what's for dinner?" she asks, ignoring my response by skipping away down the hall.

"You're going the wrong way," I call to her, turning in the opposite direction.

She turns around and races past me, "Hurry up, Sy-on boy," she shouts. "The food is going to go cold."

I shake my head, at least I know she is feeling better now.

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