Chapter 14

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Damian pov

This is so embarrassing, who came up with this idea?

Should I fire them?

No, it would be too much of a hassle finding ANOTHER another crew. 

It could cause a scandal too. 

I can see the articles now: Damian Desmond, Demon Model? Model Damian Desmond fires two camera crews in two weeks after marriage to Local Hero Anya Forger. But is it really Damian's fault or is Miss Forger not what she seems and is pulling strings behind the curtains?

The boy, Baer helps position Anya to sitting next to me in a place where the sun hits her so perfectly so they won't have to take a second shot. Something feels unsettling about him as he showers Anya with praises at any chance he gets.

He even takes a spoon to get the perfect amount of Strawberry Torte on it so the glaze shimmers in the sun, as he puts it. Then hands me the spoon, "Here you go, sir."

I take the spoon and lean forward a bit as Anya takes off her sunglasses then begins looking a bit nervous as she looks at me.

"Just focus on me," I whisper.

I raise the spoon to her mouth and she struggles to smile so I use my left hand to hold hers, she starts blushing which makes me smirk slightly then she tries to hide it by flashing me a dazzling smile which almost through me off balance. 

And at that exact moment the camera flashes over us and her one shot is over.  "Well done, Miss Anya, I'm sure it came out beautifully!" Baer exclaims.

I'm actually regretting telling Anya about giving him a raise now, as something twists inside my chest, but it straightens out again as I turn back to see Anya with the spoon I was still holding in her mouth as she eats the Strawberry Torte of it. She takes the spoon off me then takes it out of her mouth, "Agh, I tried to eat it when you weren't looking.

I chuckle, "Alright, go eat your tart. I think we're done for the morning."

After that, we finish off what we wanted to eat then Anya gave what was left to the crew, except the strawberries that Baer bought because she wanted to eat it on the ride home.

Once the picnic mat was cleared and the camera crew pack up Anya asks me, "Can we lie down here for a bit?"

"Sure," I say already starting to make myself comfortable on the mat I lie down. Anya comes down next to me, with a comfortable gap between us and sighs, looking up at the clouds.

"That cloud looks a bit like a strawberry," she says pointing at one.

I look at the one she's pointing to then say "It looks more like a diamond."

"Like the shape?" she asks. 

"Diamond like the round shiny stone on your ring," I continue.

She lifts up her right hand to examine the round cut diamond ring that Mother had insisted I buy for her as Demetrius had already inherited the Desmond family ring for his wife's engagement. Mother had telegrammed me from Britannia when she heard the news of our engagement but she was unable to return to Ostania till next week. 

The telegram had to be sent from Frankreich after they received the letter from Britannia by boat, she also telegrammed to hire Anya's maid as well, she said she'd been training to work for my wife since I turned 18.

Mother doesn't really bother with things much, she didn't even attend Demetrius's wedding five years ago, so when I got the telegram I knew I had to go immediately.

"I guess I can see it," Anya says thoughtfully, still examining the ring.

Suddenly I see Baer come running over to us, rather distraught, "Miss Anya, Miss Anya!" he exclaims urgently.

"What's wrong?" she asks sitting up. 

Despite being annoyed at the boy in question, I still notice that the hair flowers that were decorating Anya's hair had now been flattened, "Your hair flowers got flattened," I laugh at her. "You'd be picking petals out of your hair for ages if they were real."

"Oh, sorry Baer, I forgot I had them in my hair," she says giving him an apologetic smile.

I suddenly feel my heart twist in my chest, a very familiar feeling when Anya is involved and another male appears to get along with her.

I thought I got over this.

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