Chapter 7

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Damian Pov

After about a few minutes of Anya being in my mind and the unrelenting pictures Anya passes out, collapsing into my lap.

But the pictures still didn't stop, did they think her on my lap was another pose?


"Stop taking pictures!" I yell. "The photoshoot is over!"

Her dad is going to kill me, then her mum is going to escort me to hell personally.

"Do you need anything, Mr Desmond?" the photographers assistant asks me.

"Some Apfelstrudel and a glass of water. Don't forget the vanilla cream."

Anya may not have noticed me becoming a model but I didn't miss her becoming a local hero. After seeing a couple of pictures of her in the papers and I noticed she didn't look very well in many of them.

I asked Blackbell about it and she said that the doctor told Anya that she was sensitive to flashing lights.

I run my hand through her pink hair, "I'm meant to be keeping you safe," I whisper. "It's not even been two days and you've  already fainted under my watch."

After 10 minutes, the food arrived and Anya woke up to the smell of the Apfelstrudel. She pretended to be asleep  for a little longer when she realised she was on my lap because she was embarrassed.

"Could you get up?" I ask with an annoyed tone. "You're head is so heavy my leg's going numb, which is surprising since there's no brain in there."

She gets up and whacks my arm then says "We need to have a word."

"Later, your vanilla cream is going to melt," I shrug.

"Ooo, vanilla cream," she says clapping her hands.

Anya pov

After we finished our lunch Damian demanded that we finish the shot for the day. The photographers all packed up there belongings and left.

"Not enough pictures," Damian muttered to himself. "Six cameras taking pictures for two hours, they stopped so many times for new film. There's no way they don't have enough."

"Damian..." I start. "Are we going home or are we talking here?"

"Here," he says. "But as quietly as possible. And don't say the main word at all. We both know what we're talking about."

"When did you find out?" I blurt out. "How did you?"

He explains he realised when I had been cheating off of him in school, he said he used something calle Occam's razor.

He tried to explain it to me but by then my brain had already been overloaded with information.

"Why did you never say anything?" I whispered.

"It wasn't necessary," he shrugged. "As long as I could block you out it wasn't any of my concern. Instead you benefitted from me by accidentally memorising how to do the work."

"You were doing that on purpose!" I yelled causing passersby to stop, stare and whisper.

"You obviously wanted to keep it a secret," he shrugs. "I don't know how no one else has figured it out, it's pretty obvious once you know what's going on."

"You dare tell anyone, Damian, I swear..."

"I've know for more than a decade," he says. "I've not even uttered a whisper to anyone..."

"I... no one can know Damian..." I whisper. "My parent's don't even know, they could disown me and send me back."

"What do you mean send you back?"

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