Chapter 18

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Damian Pov

Hildegarde returned without Anya saying that she went to Blackbell's house. Can't even imagine the amount of gossiping the two of them will get up to.

Then at 6:30, I start to get impatient so I wait in the hallway for Anya to come home. 

I begin pacing back and forth, why did Hildegarde have to take her out the day I had a day off, it's not like she didn't give me the day off in the first place after making me work every single day since the Wedding.

Anya probably thinks I hate her, she's married to the only person who's mind she can't read as well as the person with the worst communication skills.

I'm just the worst husband for her.

The sound the entrance door closing echoes through the hallways so I quickly run back into my  bedroom and wait by the door. A few minutes pass then I hear Anya's footsteps as she comes through the hall.

The stop at my door so I begin to open it but they start again as she moves away and heads for the bedroom. 


She really must hate me then.

I want to invite her out for tea in the garden.

Should I send Wilhelm to invite her and wait for her in the garden?

What if she get's mad at me for going through Wilhelm?

Should I ask that maid of hers to say it's a surprise?

Oh whatever!

I open the door and go over to Anya's room. This would be so much easier if I was the one who could read minds.

I raise my hand to knock on the door but it swings open, Anya's piercing green eyes looking up at me. She had changed into a light blue pyjama dress.

Even the guarded part of my mind goes blank as I take in how pretty she looked in the dress. I barely hold back the blush that rises to my cheeks until I realise that she won't be allowed to go to the garden in her night dress.

I deflate slightly, "Oh you've changed already?"

She tilts her head, looking at me curiously, "Well I've had a long day, so I thought I'd change."

"How long did you spend at at Blackbell's?"

Her expression changes to a cross one, "Who told you I was at Becky's? Do you have someone following me?"

"No you idiot, Hildegarde told me," I say rolling my eyes then shaking my head. "She got back at 3, it's now 7."

Anya leans back to look at the clock in her bedroom, "It's 6:55."

"Ugh!" I exclaim. "You're unbelievable! I'll just have tea on my own then."

"Tea?" she asks but I don't respond and storm back into the bedroom.

I slam the door then lean back against it.

"Why did you get so riled up?!" I scold myself. 

Stupid night dress

That slipped out of the guarded part of my mind, I hope she didn't hear me.

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