Chapter 9

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Anya pov

Damian takes us home, his father had gone out to work.

"It's just and the servants," he says. "Go back to your room and rest for a bit and I'll have a maid call you down for afternoon tea."

"Could we have something Westalian?"

"I'll see what the cooks can do," he says.

I go to my bedroom, collapsing onto the huge bed. "He's a model," I say to myself thinking back to the photoshoot. "He's got to do that everyday."

I can feel the constant flashes in my head over and over again, replaying at 10 times the speed.

"How am I going to survive?" I ask myself.  "He can't buy me an ice cream after every shoot."

"Do we just go back to the rules now?" I question. "I'm only his wife outside this hall right."

Does that mean I'm single in here?

The idea amuses me so I leave me room and start jumping in and out of the hallway.

"Single. Married," I hopscotch back and forth. "Single. Married. Single. Married. Single..."

"Care to explain what you're doing

I turn to face Damian, "I don't think it's any of your business what my single self is doing," I say laughing.


I grab his hands pulling him forward as jump backwards so that I'm out of the hall again, "Sorry husband, I was just playing a bit of hopscotch."

He looks at me in shock so I push him backwards again as I jump back into the hall, "Leave me and my single self in peace."

He finally understands whats going on, "Well Miss Forger, I was under the impression that you were under the weather and were resting in your room."

I jump back out of the hall, pulling him with me again, "That's young Mrs Desmond to you, I am a married woman."

"Well I was also under the impression that young Mrs Desmond was also in a similar circumstance to Miss Forger."

I can't win with this man, I roll my eyes and attempt to jump back forward but he doesn't move back so I end up crashing into him.

He looks down at me, a smirk on his face, "Now this is a rather scandalous proximity for a single woman to be in with a single man, what would Young Mrs Desmond say?"

"Take a few steps forward and we'll find out won't we?"

"Let's not," he says. "I'll get in trouble too."

He moves me out of the way causing me to stumble a bit, "Go clean up, you've got Ice cream all over your dress."

I look at my clothes and squeak with embarrassment, "I walked all around the house like this, why didn't you tell me?"

"I was saving the information for the right moment," he responds.

"Jerk," I say running into my bedroom.

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