Chapter 15

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Anya pov

After Baer helped me take the hair flowers out of my hair, Damian was said it was time to go back. I rolled up the picnic mat and gave it back to Baer then followed Damian towards the park gates making sure I took the strawberries with me.

I suddenly smelt some thing delicious. I looked around and spotted a street vendor selling Honeycomb and fresh roasted peanuts. 

I run over to it excitedly but Damian continued walking. Without even looking back he called out: "I'm leaving now, Anya, feel free to walk back."

"Maybe another time Miss," the vendor said. "Your husband seems to be rather impatient."

If Damian's attitude can cause a street vendor to be concerned, it must be serious, whatever he's thinking.

Sad to leave the peanuts, knowing that I left my coin purse at home today, I run after Damian and get into the car, making sure not to drop the strawberries.

"Afternoon, Miss Anya," Wilhelm says from the driver's seat.

"Hi, Wilhelm," I say still focused on the grumpy Damian. He was fine before on the picnic mat.

"Want some strawberries?" I ask him holding the biggest strawberry in the bowl to give to him.

He looks out the window, ignoring me as the car begins to drive. I end up eating all the strawberries then Wilhelm says "You're mother is due to return next week, Master Damian."

"I'm aware," he says.

Rather than processing the information, I stared at Damian, "So you haven't forgotten how to speak."

"Not now, Anya."

"Would Master Damian and Miss Anya like to go to the cinema, that movie, The Mysterious Wreck is  available to watch again today, I remember you liked it when it came out last year, Master Damian."

"I said we're going home, Wilhelm," Damian demands.

"Yes, Master Damian." Wilhelm sighs and continues driving.


Damian refused to speak to me for the rest of the day, and I couldn't figure out why. Heidi comes in to call downstairs for dinner then asks me, "What's Master Damian all in a huff about?"

"I wish I knew," I sigh. "He's been like this since the end of the photoshoot."

"Can you recall what happened?" she asks me. 

"Well..." I pause. "We were lying down on the picnic mat watching the clouds..."

"How romantic!" she squeals excitedly.

"Oh shush," I scold her then continue recalling the events of this morning, "Then Baer came over to tell me not to lie down with the hair flowers in my hair."

"Who is Baer? He's right, but who is he?" 

"Just an assistant for the the photographer's crew. He brought me some strawberries and some strawberry torte."

"Did he do something to annoy Master Damian?" 

"No, Damian liked him! He wanted to give him a raise when he gave me the sunglasses."
"Did he do anything else like that?" 

"He kept complimenting me, throughout the whole photoshoot. And he helped me take the hair flowers out..."

"Why didn't Master Damian help you?"

"Baer... just said he'd help me then just helped me, I guess," I say shrug.

Heidi clicks her fingers, "Master Damian is jealous!" 

I don't know what sort of face I'd made at her for her to look at me so strangely until I burst out laughing. "Did you come to cheer me up or take me downstairs?"

"I'm serious!" she exclaimed. "It makes sense, he didn't like the fact that this Baer fellow was doting on you."

"Don't be ridiculous," I say shaking my head. "If anything he's worried about reporters spotting us."

"He's your husband, of course he doesn't want a random man complimenting his wife, let alone helping her before he can."

"But we're..." 

Heidi grabs my hands to pull me up, "Come on, the food is going cold."

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