Chapter 24

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Damian pov

Mother only spoke to Hildegarde and Anya at dinner, the men of the Desmond family clearly were not part of  her interests.

It took me the rest of the evening to rebuild the 'mental wall' in my head, slowly, imaginary brick by imaginary brick.

When I finally finished Anya let out a breath beside me, clearly having had a long evening with none of the solace that I'd been providing.

We left dinner and returned to our hallway, "How comfy is your window seat?" Anya asked suddenly.

"Very comfortable," I respond surprised. "Why?"

"I was thinking what it would be like to sleep on a window seat," she shrugged.

I laugh at the thought, "Why not sleep on your window seat ?"

"Because there will be no one in the room to catch me if I fall out the window."

That is fair logic but still nonsensical, "So you want me to sleep on my window seat overnight and you expect me to be on high alert just in case you fall out the window whilst sleep next to it."

"That about sums it up."

I nod "But what about when Wilhelm and your maid come to wake us up in the morning."

"Wilhelm will see me on the windowsill and Heidi will just think I fell asleep after tea time."

"Which we're not having today?" 

Anya rolls her eyes, "Please just let me sleep here tonight. For quiet."


That's what she wants.

A chance to shut her brain down by being in my quiet mind instead. 

I go into the Ottomon and get out a Daunendeke and give Anya one of my pillows.

"Go to sleep."


Anya pov

I got too used to Damian's silent mind that his broken walls and his mother's chaotic mind exhausted me.

I just needed some solace.

I still didn't get much as Mum and Papa were both in panic mode when they realised I wasn't in my room. They both individually check every window in the building to find me only to both gasp, almost blowing their covers when they see me by the window.

"She's fine," Mum sighs.

"She's in Damian's room!" Papa thinks to himself.

It was like they were communicating with each other without even realising the other one was there.

Papa fought the impulse to some how extract me from Damian's room and finally left for home whilst Mum snuck into mansion and stood outside Damian's door.

"Should I pick her up and take her back to her room."

"But Damian's her husband, its alright."

"We've had these sorts of situations with Loid before."

"She's sleeping on the windowsill, we need to take her to her room."

I internally groan then I say, "Damian... are you awake?"

"Hmm?" he asks, half asleep. "Do you want anything?"

Mum listens intently from the other side of the door.

"You're really great sometimes you know?" I say.

Mum laughs internally as she relaxes and leaves.

"What you on about?" Damian asks but I don't respond, pretending to be asleep as he sits up and looks my way.

"Oh great, I married a sleep talker," he says, I can picture him rolling his eyes.

I realise he is walking closer to me, I don't know what he's doing. I feel his hand touching my face as it swipes away some hair from it.

I don't move, "Thanks for today, Anya."

He rests his forehead against mine for a second, "You're my North Star," he whispers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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