Chapter 8

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Damian Pov

Anya's eyes widen then she covers her mouth.

"Anya... where would they send you?" I ask.

"back to the orphanage," she whispers.

Orphanage? I think to myself. I guess she doesn't really look like her Dad.

"Anya..." I say quietly. "You're too old to get sent back to an orphanage."

"I know," she says hiding her face in her hands. "I've just been living with that mindset for so long... I... haven't been able to stop it."

I didn't use the right wording. Logic doesn't work.

"Anya... I'm your husband right? I'm not going to let anyone take you from me okay?" I put my arm around her and whisper.

She pushes herself away from me, "But you hate me? Why would you protect me?"

"Because I'm a gentlemen," I shrug. "Plus you now carry my name... I gotta take care of you."

"Are you going to be mean to me when we go back?" she asks almost child-like. "Because of the rules."

"Never mind the rules right now, Anya," I say as assuringly as possible. "Let's go buy some ice cream."

Shaken up, Anya follows me to the ice cream shop and orders a cherry coconut ice cream whilst I order black raspberry.

"Did you upset your wife?" the ice cream seller asks me.

"Pretty much," I say. "But you gotta do what you gotta do, we've only been married a day."

"Sheesh," he says. "Ice cream's on the house then, just give me a shout out next time your in the papers.'"

"Thank you kindly."

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