Chapter 4

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I got out of the shower and started getting ready. We were all meeting by the elevator at 4. Nash and I are good now.

I put on a crop to that said 'KA-POW', red jean shorts, black converse shoes, black rose earring, leaving my hair down in its natural curls and put a red bow in the back.

I didn't put on much make-up, just some cover up, mascara, eyeliner, and red lipstick. I was ready.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Ethan, Grayson, and Sam standing around waiting for me. "Whoa Rae," Sam said.

"What?" I asked.

"What happened to wanting you and Nash to be friends?" Grayson said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're wearing that to hang out with friends?" Ethan said.

"Yeah? What's the problem?"

"The problem is that you look hot right now," Sam said, "but your ex-boyfriend is going to be with us."

Normally if somebody called me hot, besides Brett, I would get mad, but it's Sam and he's like a brother. "I think I'm starting to understand now. So let's see if I'm right. I'm going to hang out with a group of friends which includes my ex that still likes me, while my boyfriend won't be with us, and I'm wearing an outfit that might cause problems because I look hot in it."

"Exactly," said said crossing his arms, smiling, and nodding.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Nash and I made up this morning so this outfit is fine, let's go."

"Nope, not fine. Go get changed," Ethan said.

"You can't make me," I said crossing my arms.

"Yes we can," Grayson said holding my phone.

I glared at him, "Fine, I'll get changed! But give me my phone first! I don't trust you guys!"

Grayson held out my phone for me to grab, I snatched it out of his hands, and went running out the door before they could stop me. I looked back to see them following me but accidentally collided into someone.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I said looking down to see Nash. He was holding onto my waste. His touch felt so good against my skin. We were looking into each other's eyes.

"We really need to stop running into each other like this," he said laughing.

I smiled, "It's usually my fault."

"It's always been your fault, but I'll always be there to catch you." I could feel my cheeks get warm.

Someone cleared their throat obnoxiously loud. It was Sam. Then I realized I was still in Nash's arms. I jumped out his arms and stood up. He stood up next to me. Everyone was staring at us. "So! Where are we going!?" I said pressing the down button.

"Wherever you want to go," Ethan said wiggling his eyebrows. I glared at him.

"We're getting pizza!" Cam said. Pizza two nights in a row, that's fine with me!

The elevator opened and we all piled in. I was against the back wall with Nash on my right and Gilinsky on my left. I felt a little rub on the back of my right hand. I looked down to see Nash's hand brushing mine on purpose. I pulled My hand away. This is going to be a long night.


We decided to go to the movies after pizza. "I haven't been to the movies since The Fault in Our Stars was playing," I said to the group.

"Same," Nash said looking down as we walked into the building. It has been a fun night, there were a few awkward times when we would talk about relationships with everyone.

"So what are we watching again?" Grayson asked.

"Pitch Perfect 2!" Johnson practically screamed.

Nash and I went up together to get everyone's ticket. There was a boy our age selling them. He had blonde hair and tan skin, definitely a beach boy.

"Can we get the reserved tickets from the Grier group?" I asked. He looked up at us then just focused on me and smiled. He mouthed the word hi to me, I smiled back at him to be nice. "Hey buddy! Tickets please," Nash said getting angry.

"Nash it's okay," I said rubbing his arm. I know he likes that.

The guy handed Nash the tickets. "And here's yours," he said handing me a separate ticket with his number on the back.

"I'm flattered, but I have a boyfriend," I said smiling.

"Well if something happens between you two, you should call me," he said winking.

"Get in line," Nash mumbled.

I glared at Nash, then got a funny idea. I turned to the guy. "I might have to take you up on that offer," I said biting my lip, "I'm Rae."

"I'm Ryan."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"C'mon Rae, time to go," Nash said pulling me away.

"I'll see you around," he said and I nodded as I got farther away from him. I'm not going to do anything with the number, I just wanted revenge on Nash after what he did in the elevator.

"Nice try," he whispered into my ear. Ugh, I need Brett so Nash knows I'm over him.

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