Chapter 17

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I completed my outfit by stealing one of Cam's snap backs from his suitcase. I was going to be comfortable tonight. I did my normal make-up because if I put on too much make-up it will look bad and I don't want my fans seeing that I cover my scars with make-up. I'm going to show my scars with pride and dignity, no matter how stupid or bad I look.

There was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it to Johnson and Shawn. "You ready?" Shawn asked.

"Are you?" I asked smiling.

"A little nervous," he said putting his hands in his pockets

"C'mon! Let's go! The fans are dying to see you! Both of you!" Johnson said leading us to the elevator.

"Where's Nash?" I asked.

"Downstairs waiting for you," Shawn said elbowing me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Aw man! I bet he has already seen some of the fans then! We were going to go out and see them together!" I said a little sad.

"Oh he hasn't seen them yet, he's been staying in one of the back rooms until you come down," Johnson said.

"Oh, good," I said a little shocked but happy. I know Nash, he always wants to see his fans, but since he's waiting, I bet he's the one dying to see them.

We made it downstairs. I could hear the fans screaming outside. We walked into on of the back rooms where everyone was at. "Hey! That's my hat!" Cam said pointing at me.

"Yeah, I wanted to wear it," I said sitting down next to Nash on one of the couches. I interlocked our fingers and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Whatever loser," Cam said laughing at his supposed to be insult.

Everyone was telling jokes as Nash and I just sat there and listened. "You know I haven't signed your cast yet?" Nash asked looking down at me.

"Oh yeah, I guess I haven't signed yours either," I said getting up to grab a sharpie from a table. I signed his first, writing down: Mrs. Grier. When he saw that he laughed then took the sharpie from my hand and wrote down: Mr. Grier.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said kissing him. It wasn't an intimate kiss or anything, just a normal kiss, but there were still fireworks everywhere.

There was a knock on our door, Carter got up to get it. Bart came walking in and connected eyes with Nash and me. "I've been worried sick about you two!" He said walking up to us.

"Let's go talk in the hall," Nash said getting up and pulling me with him. The three of us went out to the hall.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked. We both nodded. "Good, since this happened a lot of fans are going to want to see you even more than normal."

"Yeah, we already know that," Nash said.

"So I kind of have to ground you. Pretty much you're not going to be able to leave the hotel whenever you want, I have to let you go, and if I say no, that means no," he said sternly.

We nodded in agreement then I said, "That sounds fair, it's for our protection too, so we'll be fine."

"Okay good, and during the shows, if you guys ever need a break, just go off stage for a few minutes then go back on when you're ready," he said. His phone rang so he had to go.

"This is my first time being grounded," I said.

"Really?" He asked laughing at me.

"Yeah, I mean it's kind of stupid because I still get to be with my boyfriend so it won't be that bad, right?" I asked looking up to him.

He smiled down to me, "Right."


"Bye guys!" I said for the final time as we all ran off the stage.

"They took that really well!" Nash said hugging me from behind.

"Yeah! But I'm wiped out!" I said turning around still in his arms.

"Movie night?" He asked.

I smiled, "Race you upstairs!" I said getting out of his arms and running for the elevator. I got into the elevator, the doors started closing, and he made it in before they closed all the way.

"I'm so going to beat you," Nash said not even caring for the other people in the elevator.

I turned to them, "Sorry, my boyfriend is a five year old."

They all laughed at my comment while Nash's mouth dropped. "Sorry that my girlfriend is a sixty year old."

They laughed at his comment too. "Well this sixty year old is going to beat your five year old butt to the room!"

The elevator dinged and everyone got out on the sixth floor, then we started to go up to our floor. The elevator stopped on the ninth floor, of course standing there was Brett and Whitney. They both had bruises on their faces, arms, and legs.

"What happened to you?" I asked them as they stepped in.

"You could ask yourself the same question," Whitney fired back at me, "this is awkward, Rae and I have dated or am dating both you you two boys."

"I never technically dated you, just let you live in my apartment since you drugged me and convinced me that I got you pregnant," Nash said wrapping his arm around me.

"Speaking of the baby, where is it?" I asked.

"Don't know, don't care, gave it up for adoption, didn't need it anymore since your stupid brother figured out my plan to getting Nash," she said.

"You are a crazy bitch," I said as the elevator dinged for our floor. Nash and I walked out of the elevator, "Oh and that car crash you guys got into last night looked pretty bad from behind."

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