Chapter 26

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Why. Just why.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to text Nash on the way to Physics. Macy was next to me texting Matt. As we walked I could feel the new Freshmen eyes staring at me. I saw Nash was on Twitter, so I went to his DMs.

HeyItsRae: I can't do this.

NashGrier: So how's the first day going?☺️

HeyItsRae: F u😑

NashGrier: That's the sweetest thing you've said to me all year😉

HeyItsRae: Shut up😠

NashGrier: Just calm down, that school is yours, don't let her take it from you!

HeyItsRae: Well she's really good at taking things I like sooooooo😁

NashGrier: Don't worry about it, you'll be fine! Now I have to go, talk to you later! Love you!😘

HeyItsRae: Love you too😍

I'm going to lose my mind.

*Last 5 Minutes of School*

I am standing, by the door, next to Macy in painting class. We were all cleaned up and ready to leave. Macy has a game tonight, so she's coming to my house for a bit. "At least she's only in Physics with us," Macy said.

"Yeah, that's true," I said, "So are you ready for your game tonight?"

"Yeah, I mean it is my last first game so that's fun. I just wish Matt was here."


"You wish Matt was here too?" she asked jokingly.

"Shut up! You know what I mean!" I said slapping her shoulder. The bell rang and we all piled out of the classroom and into the hallway to head home. Macy was driving over to my house separately so she could drive back up to the school to get ready for the game. I walked out to my car and got in. When I shut the door a slip of paper fell down onto my lap.

'The war technically isn't over yet. - N'

Then I looked to my right and saw a nerf gun and a bunch of bullets sitting on the passenger seat. Does this mean he's here? I pulled out my phone to call Macy, but she beat me to it.

"Rae, did you get a note in your car from Nash?"


"And a nerf gun with bullets?"


"We need to get to your house right away."


*3 Minutes Later*

I pulled into the driveway, grabbed the gun and got out. I looked around to make sure they weren't going to do some surprise attack right off the bat. There was nothing, so I grabbed my backpack and slowly walked into the house. I didn't see anyone so I ran to my room to put my bag away.

"Put your hands where I can see them," a familiar low southern voice said behind me. I smiled and turned to him.

"I can't believe you're here!" I squealed jumping into his arms.

"Yeah, I get the best boyfriend award, right?"

"Right," I said kissing his cheek, "and oh my gosh you cut you're hair!"

"Yeah, I was scared at first when they starting cutting it."

"I like you better with shorter hair. It looks cleaner."

"You saying I had dirty hair?" He asked joking.

"When it's short it makes your eyes brighter, and I love that. Besides, it looked messy all the time when it was long," I said messing up his freshly cut short hair.

"I agree, and it made me really hot."

"You don't need long hair to do that," I said winking.

"And this is why I love you!" He said smiling.

"I love you too!" I said smiling, "So what news do ya got?"

"Team MC squared is catching up because Cam of course knows the house very well, so that was a disadvantage while you were at school," Taylor said walking out of my bathroom.

"Team WamBam still sucks though," Shawn said walking out behind Taylor.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey," They both said at the same time.

"Are we still in the lead though?" I asked.

"Yeah, but not by much."

"That's fine, we just need to keep nailing WamBam and we'll have enough points to win," I said.

"I love it when you get all competitive," Nash said wrapping his arm around me.

"It's in my blood."


The game was finally over. We won by three points. THREE. Macy already left for her game, and we'll be leaving shortly.

I was in my room changing into white for our white out tonight in the student section. That's right, Joey and Rae are back for another sweet student section year. We've been talking about it all day at school.

I walked out into the living room to see all of the guys just sitting there, and not in white! "Why aren't you guys wearing any white!?"

"Well it's not our school, we were going to just sit in the parent section," Shawn said.

"What!? Seriously?!" I said slightly whining, "Nash what about you?"

"Well I was just going to sit with them, I mean I figured you guys have a system to your section, but I am already wearing white," he said looking down to his Magcon t-shirt.

"I run the system! And you're in, right next to me!" I said smiling, "and Matt! You're in too because Joey really likes you and your girlfriend is playing."

"Okay!" He said getting up to go change into white clothes.

"All of you other nerds are lame and you suck," I said, "when are you guys leaving?"

"Around eleven," Cam said.

"Oh," I said getting sad, "okay."

"Don't worry babe," Nash said, "We only have a week and a half left of it."

I nodded then Matt came back into the living room.

"Let's go!" I said running out the door.

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