Chapter 32

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*Rae's P.O.V*

We were standing around after the show. The fans loved us. Bart has yet to talk to us. I was with Nash and Taylor, talking about some YouTube ideas we have.

"I'm so happy you're here," Cameron shouted jumping on my back.

I turned to him and gave him a proper hug. "So what next for you?" I asked him pulling back from our hug.

"I don't know, maybe I'll travel a bit."

"Really? I figured you'd settle down a bit, I mean you've practically seen this entire nation."

"I was thinking about some worldwide travel."

"What about Paige?" I asked.

"We're great! She's already agreed to come with me," he said smiling.

"What about college? What about playing softball?"

"She can do online classes, and she's decided that it's time for her softball career to end."

"What?" I asked a little heart broken.

"Yeah, it surprised me too," he said, "but this was actually her idea. One day we were talking and she asked me what I want to do with my life and I said that I want to travel with her once she's done with college, but then she came up with the idea of online classes and she said she's ready to be done with softball."

"Wow, I'm a little taken back by this," I said.

"I still am too," he said, "we can talk about it more when we get home."

I nodded and he left to talk to Jack and Jack.

"Hey Rae Rae," Johnson said.

"Hey Jack J," I said, "What are you-"

"Trinity Rae Dallas," some one said interrupting me. My body froze. What do I do? Should I start by turning around? Yeah, I'll do that. And now I'm facing him. I'm currently making eye contact with Bart Bordelon. The enemy. The room was silent, except for a few shuffles from people moving to stand next to or behind me. At least people got my back.

"Hi Bart," I said.

"You know, you deserve a round of applause for your random appearance on stage."

"I wouldn't have had to make a random appearance if you would've just let Macy and me watch the show with the fans."

"Or you couldn't have shown up in the first place," he said.

"Not my fault my boyfriend was stuck on your tour."

"Actually," he said, "it is."

"Look we've already gone over the whole 'I got them to rejoin because you joined Magcon' bullshit."

"Feisty aren't we now?"

"Well no shit!" I said taking a step at him. My fists were clenched, but then Nash came up next to me and undid one of my tight hands, and connected his fingers through mine. Damn that boy, he knows my weakness.

"Listen, Magcon is done. They're free to go, why are you trying to fight me now?"

He's just trying to leave so he can put some checks in the bank. "Why the hell do you think I'm still fighting against you!? First, I lost 9 months of a relationship with my brother when you came up with Magcon. Then you robbed him from the right amount of profit he deserved from this show. Then you had your son convince me that I didn't love Nash anymore. Then he played a nice guy card and had me fall for him. He made me think that you turned into a good man. Which had me tell Nash, Hayes, and Cam that you were good, so I looked like an idiot to them. Then I was convinced to go on this stupid tour, which I was only invited to get the original crew back. But after you got all of them, my heart was shattered when I overheard Brett talking to Whitney about his game. Next, I'm kicked off of Magcon. So I had to go home and not see my boyfriend for weeks because you would rarely let him visit me! Then, the one time Magcon was reasonably near us, I showed up just for you to lock me in a conference room because you were scared I'd ruin your stupid little show!"

"Wow, you should really talk to someone about your problems," he said.

Jeez he his acting like such a teenager right now. It's pathetic. "I WOULDN'T HAVE TO TALK TO ANYONE ABOUT MY "PROBLEMS" IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU!"

Next thing I know, I started charging at him, but then was quickly pulled back by multiple people. Cam, Shawn, Taylor, and the Dolan's were now in front of me, blocking my sight of Bart. Nash, Sam, and Macy were by my side keeping me calm. Tears started to form in my eyes, and that's when Nash's warm arms wrapped around me.

"Listen to me Bart and listen carefully," Cam said, "You're entire career is over. In a few short hours everyone will know everything that you've done. I'll even be surprised if a fast food chain hires you. Everyone will know who you are, and the type of monster you've become. If you're not moved out of our neighborhood, city, and state by the end of the month, I'll call the cops and tell them of how you held 2 teen girls hostage because you simply wanted to. You'll be known as a pedophile. We're all done with you. You know where to send our checks, and I better see a little extra cash in there for Rae's final appearance at Magcon. Goodbye Bart, and I hope you have a terrible life."

And after that, we all walked out.

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