Chapter 20

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*Nash's P.O.V*

We have three days before the first Chicago show. I have three days to find her. Cameron and I flew to California to see if she went home. She's not here. We're sitting in the living room trying to come up with places she could be. The phone rang so Cam's Mom went to get it.

"What happened to her?" I asked slouching over with my arms on my knees so I'm staring at the ground.

"Nash, I'm so sorry," Cam said. I looked up to him practically pulling out his hair. His face was getting red because he's trying to hold in his pain. He needs to let it out.

"Why?" I asked waiting for him to burst.

"You know why," he said still holding it in.

"Yeah, but I want to hear you say it."

"Oh really!?" he said standing up, I stood up to keep our eyes level. His hand formed fists that were tight and his jaw was clenched shut. Here we go. "This entire thing is my fucking fault! If I just contacted her from the start, we wouldn't be in this mess! Rae's not afraid of just leaving you! She's afraid of leaving me too! I left her and that was terrible! Now she's going to leave me and we're going to have another fight one month in just like the first time and never talk to each other! She knows if we have another argument like that for a second time, we'll never see each other again! That means that you have to pick sides and Rae doesn't want that because either you lose your best friend or your true love! She's tired of losing people!"

"What was the first fight over?" I asked.

"Rae never told you?" He asked calming down after his out burst.


*Rae's P.O.V*

I'm in North Carolina. Nash's house was the best place to hide. I'm staying in Nash's room. Skylynn is at a friends house for the night so she doesn't know I'm here. Will, Nash's older brother, is visiting so he knows, but hasn't told anyone. This was actually the first time I met Will, so yeah I rocked my first impression...

"Rae," Elizabeth said opening the door, "I called your Mom to let her know that you are safe."

"Thanks," I said smiling at her.

"You want to talk about it?" She asked walking in Nash's room and sitting on his bed next to me. She wrapped her arm around me, but instead of saying anything, I cried into her shoulder.

"What am I doing?" I asked looking up to her.

"I don't know sweetie, you need to tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help."

"I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"I'm scared of the future. When this whole Vine thing is done, then what am I going to do? I'll need to be able to support a family, I mean I want to have kids, and my teenage money profit probably won't take care of it."

She laughed, "I think your teenage profit would take care of it, but you would get bored."

"Yeah, and I mean I love softball, but I also love acting."

"Why don't you do both?"

"Wouldn't it be hard?" I asked.

"No, colleges would work around you."

"I doubt that."

"Have you even looked into it?"

"No, I'm too scared to. And what about Nash or Cam?"

"Cameron is a big boy, but he will always be your brother. If you need him, he will come to you. Nash will be fine, he's already decided to not go to college and pursue acting with your brother. Nash would work around you."

"But I don't want to hold him down."

"Trust me honey, you're not holding him down."

"Did you notice how his vines became better when you two met? Then they got worse when you broke up, and when you got back together, his vines became amazing?"


"You make him better, so why would you be holding him down?"

*Nash's P.O.V*

We sat there in silence as Cameron contemplated whether or not to tell me about the fight. I'm tired of not knowing about this damn fight. Just tell me already! "I've decided that it's not my place to tell you, Rae should," Cam said. I rolled my eyes. Why am I not surprised that he won't tell me?

Cameron's Mom came walking back into the room. All of my attention was to her. "Rae's okay," she said sighing in relief.

"Where is she?" Cameron asked.

"Nash's house, in North Carolina," she said looking to me.

"I'm never going to understand that girl," I said with some relief in my body.

"You get used to it," both Cameron and his mom said at the same time.

*Rae's P.O.V*

I need to talk to Nash. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He answered right away, "Hello?"

"Hey," I said smiling at the sound of his voice.

"Rae! Are you okay?" He asked worried.

"Yeah, I kind of freaked out and my best option at the time was to get away."

"How about when we get back to Chicago, we talk about our future," he said through the phone, "I don't really want to say this over the phone, I'd rather say it in person, but my future consists of you with me."

A tear fell from my right eye, I couldn't stop smiling, "Well that's good because I know you're going to be with me in my future."

"I love you Rae," he said.

"I love you too Nash," I said, "See you in Chicago."

"See you in Chicago," he said hanging up.

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