Chapter 18

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"I FUCKING HATE HER!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs into a pillow. Nash was sitting on the bed next to me with his hand in his hair as he let me take my anger out on the pillow.

"What did we do to her?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to kill her," I said getting up and going to the door. Nash grabbed my arm. "Let go of me."

"No, not now, we will take care of this tomorrow."

"No Nash! That girl has taken me to Hell and back. I'm done with her. I done being nice to her and just ignoring her! She could have killed us last night!"

"I know, but we have to ignore her," he said sitting in the bed and pulled me with him.

"I can't ignore her anymore," I said starting to cry, he wrapped his arms around me.

"How about you let me take care of this?" He asked.

"What would you do? All she wants is me."

"Well I doubt she would want anyone to know about what she did to me a few months ago."

"What are you thinking Grier?"

"A little blackmail could get her off your back," he said smiling.

"I knew you always had evil in you."


"C'mon! It's time to go!" Macy said as I was putting my phone charger in my suit case. We are officially done with Texas, so now we're off to Chicago for a week!

"I'm coming!" I said grabbing my suitcase and purse.

"You're sitting next to me on the plane!" Macy said.

"Okay! Why?" I asked.

"We have some strategizing to do!"

*Nash's P.O.V*

We were sitting in the limo waiting for the girls. I was next to Matt and Cameron. They were talking about Paige and Macy and what they're going to do when they're in college. Paige goes this year, and Macy goes next year. Rae goes next year too.

"Yeah, Paige and I came up with a schedule for who visits who, and during the holidays we'll both go home and see each other," Cameron said.

"Macy hasn't decided where she's going yet, but I'm thinking about moving closer to wherever she goes," Matt said smiling thinking about her, "no matter where she goes, I go."

"What about you Nash? I mean Rae is definitely going to play somewhere," Cameron said.

"I don't know, we haven't talked about it," I said looking down. Why haven't we talked about it?

The car door opened, "Dani said that Lucy has been working on her behind the back throw, so our second baseman is now a badass."

"How many freshies are coming up?" Rae asked.

"You don't want to know."

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad!" Rae said sitting back. Her and Macy were across from us.

Macy took in a deep breath, "Twelve."

"TWELVE GIRLS!? THATS AN ENTIRE TEAM! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AT TRYOUTS?!" Everybody stopped in the middle of their conversations and looked at Rae in shock. She was freaking out. I reached across the isle for her hand and intertwined it with mine. She looked up and smiled. "Why are you freaking out? You're better than them and you know it."

"It's not that I'm worried that they're better, it's the fact that coach is preparing to replace us."

"Well yeah, you're going to be seniors, I mean she is going to lose you. That's life," Cameron said shrugging his shoulders. Rae looked down. I squeezed her hand then sat back into my seat. She didn't talk for the rest of that car ride.


We landed in Chicago. A few fans came to see us at the airport. Bart is having Rae and I take a back way so we could get out without fans. Rae hasn't talked since the limo ride. I took her hand and intertwined our fingers. She looked up and gave me a smile.

That was not the normal Rae smile. She is sad. It was a fake smile, I can read right through it. "You wanna talk about it?"

She stopped in our track, she let go of my hand and started crying into both of her hands. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on top of hers. I didn't say anything, I just let her cry. I didn't care that we were still in public at the airport, all I care about is that she's okay. Bart went to talk to the others to give us some privacy.

After a few seconds she wrapped her arms around me. I pulled back to see her sparkling brown eyes. "I think we should take the rest of this day off," I said kissing her nose. She looked up at me, but didn't say anything. She just nodded.

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