Club Rush

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Hey guys! Before we begin, need you to do a huge favor and follow Ferni_is_N0rmal to get them to 200 followers!!! Thanks! And enjoy :)

Etho's Perspective-

Etho sighed as he stepped off of his bus, muttering a tune and drumming his fingers on his backpack straps.

He stopped as he walked into the school and saw a bunch of fold out tables set up, each with about 15 kids lined up at them.

Etho walked around, confused, and then he remembered that today was club rush.

The day that you can sign up for a bunch of clubs.

There was a book club, fencing club, crochet club, debate, scholar bowl, S.T.E.A.M, cooking, D&D, and the one with one of the longest lines, the gay straight alliance club.

Etho, confused, got in line.

"Hello, dear!" The woman smiled, "Would you like to sign up for the gay straight alliance club?"

"Er- maybe. I can sign up even if I'm straight, right?"

"Of course! Not many straight people join, most that do end up getting 'infected' as the kids say."

Etho raised an eyebrow and she laughed.

"It's just their way of saying that they turn the straight people gay."

Etho nodded in understandment and looked at the list.

"I'll think about it." He said, smiling nervously.

"Don't worry about it! We meet on Thursday's during lunch. My classroom is in building 7, room 102."

Etho nodded and walked away, trying to find his friends.

He felt his phone buzz and checked it, smiling as he saw it was a text from Pammy.

'Just checking in on my bestie! Your school just started, right? I'm just heading out for mine'

'Lucky. I have to get up so early to catch the bus '

'Lol, imagine'

'Shut up!'

'No '


'But yea! How're you doing? Miss me?'

'A bit. I met some cool people and I'm sticking with them'

'Any cute guys you like?'


'Are you still saying you're straight?'

'Yeah...but tbh I'm not really sure what I am. I'm questioning everything. I don't even know if my parents are supportive!'

'I'm sure your mother is. But your father...? Different story'

'Seriously tho. Oh, and also there's a gay straight alliance club'


'But I don't know anyone who'd do it with me'

'Then force one of your new friends to go with'

'Idk, I prob won't'

'Why not?'

'There's no reason for me to'

'You definitely should. It could help you figure out what you are!'

'Sigh. I guess you're right'

'Of course I am :)'

'Alright, gotta go, the bell just rang'

'Oh, okay. Text later! AND GO TO THE CLUB'

Etho smiled weakly as he pocketed his phone.

The bell did not in fact ring, he just wanted to leave that conversation.

"Hey Etho!"

Etho turned around and saw Bdubs and Skylar.

"Hey guys!" Etho smiled, walking over to his friends.

"Sign up for any clubs?" Skylar asked and Etho shook his head.

"You?" He asked.

Skylar looked around.

"I might sign up for the crochet club." She muttered.

"What about you, Bdubs?" She then asked.

"Oh! I'm probably gonna sign up for the cooking club." Bdubs said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he looked embarrassed.

"I didn't know you cooked." Etho said, mildly surprised.

"Oh...well my family life's been hard and me and Scar kind of started cooking."

"Why?" Etho asked, narrowing his eyes.

"My parents have been busy."

"With what? You guys just run a clock shop."

"I- my mom's a vet so she's busy with that."

"But- "

"I don't really wanna talk about it, alright?" Bdubs snapped a bit, cutting off Etho.

Etho bit his lip, knowing that he crossed a line, and nodded.

Wonder what's going on at his home.

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