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Bdubs's Perspective-

Bdubs walked out of the bathroom and saw Etho, Scar, Mike, and Mike's little sister Penelope.

"Etho? What are you doing here?" Bdubs asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." Etho said, chuckling lightly.

"We're just baby-sitting some kids for a family friend." Scar explained, "The mom had to run out early and me and Bdubs were open to the job. The little ones just wanted to go to the park."

Etho nodded.

"And why are you here?" Bdubs asked.

"Oh, uh- I had a bad dream and decided to jog it off. The little boy, Mike, saw me and asked me to blow bubbles with him."

Scar sighed, "We're lucky it was just you. We've been trying to teach them not to talk to strangers."

Scar then walked over to Mike, who was talking with his sister about the kite, and bent down to give them a short lesson about strangers.

"So...are we still set up for later today?" Etho asked after a second of silence.

Bdubs blushed, "Uh, y-yeah! I'm still free to hang out, and hey, I'm sure Scar will be fine to take the kids."

Etho smiled softly.

They fell into a bit of an awkward silence, both of them thinking the same thing.

What can I say that won't be awkward?

"We need to talk." They both said at the same time.

They froze and laughed.

"Sorry, you first." Etho said.

"You sure?" Bdubs asked and Etho nodded.

"Well, I just wanted to talk about...well, us."

Bdubs's hand slowly found its way into Etho's and they both blushed.

"What about us?" Etho asked in a barely audible whisper.

Bdubs looked down.

"What...what if what happened last time happens again?" Bdubs asked.

"It won't, I promise."

Bdubs smiled weakly, "Promises aren't going to work. We just...what are we going to do differently?"

"You know I was being stupid with thinking that you and Doc were..."

Bdubs nodded, "We already talked about that. But there are so many other things we need to discuss."

"Like what?"

Bdubs's hand let go of Etho's and he wrapped them around his arms.

"Like whether or not this is the right decision."

"Well...I think it might be. I was really sad without you and- "

"You didn't seem like you were." Bdubs said, interrupting Etho, "You seemed so happy. You were still laughing and smiling like everything was fine. But guess what? Everything wasn't fine. It felt like I was going through my own hell, trying to be fine, trying to smile, but I spent several nights in tears."

"I- "

"And then Ren and Doc got together. It's funny since I was sure I was over you by then, but once Ren and Doc started dating, a part of me was hoping for you to ask me out, to get back with me."

"Well now we can!"

"But is this really the right thing?" Bdubs whispered, tears forming in his eyes as he hugged himself tightly, "Is this really what we want?"

"Well, I want it. I missed yo- "

"You didn't seem like you did."

"I didn't know how to talk to you! We just kept avoiding each other."

Bdubs nodded.

"You know what, I think I'm going to be busy with the kids today, so we probably won't be able to hang out." Bdubs said, "I'll see you around."

Bdubs then walked away and Etho felt his heart break.

"I- okay...see you." Etho whispered.

Hey thanks for reading this little book that was kinda a mess. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day :D

Keep being amazing and kicking ass


(Future Seth here, Seth from like July 2024, I wrote this story when I was kind of taking writing as a job and not a hobby. If I became behind on a story and wouldn't be able to update it, then I just had to crank out chapters. Which meant we get crappy ones and these unfinished stories. I'm sorry this happened, I'm in a much better headspace now, but I just want you to understand why the story is the way it is)

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