Trust Issues

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Just so you know, at the beginning of this chapter it's like telling you what's been happening in the past weeks. So we're like a month ahead of the last chapter.


Bdubs's Perspective-

Ever since Scar left, I've had a hard time adjusting to my life.

Dad's been really nice and is so supportive and understanding of me, it's just a bit hard to stay stable after our lives were flipped upside down.

Me and Scar talk, but not all the time.

The only class we have together is theatre and we're normally busy with homework after school, and plus I work at the shop with dad.

And my friends have been helpful.

They're all so funny.

And Etho...

Etho's always so caring and will always listen to what I have to say.

I love that about him.



Bdubs hummed, looking up.

He blushed as he saw Etho standing next to him.

"You okay?" Etho asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh- y-yeah!" Bdubs said, putting on a smile, "I'm just trying to get some work done. I forgot to do it last night, I immediately fell asleep after spending most of my time fixing up your father's clock."

"Oh, jeez, sorry about that." Etho said, sitting down next to Bdubs in the library.

They had 15 minutes until the bell rang, and it was pretty quiet in the media center. (another word for library)

Etho looked at the work Bdubs had done and saw that it was basically blank.

"Bdubs, have you done any of this?" Etho asked softly and Bdubs shook his head.

"I've been having such a hard time with everything recently. I'm trying to stay happy, to stay on top of things, but it's been so hard. Dad's been fine, but ever since mom left and took Scar- "

"Wait, your mom left?"

"This happened about a month ago."

"How come you never told us this?"

Bdubs shrugged and Etho sighed.

"I wanna help my friends out, but you gotta tell me what's up."

Bdubs giggled.

"What?" Etho asked, confused.

"For someone who always seems so cold, you're actually very nice."

Etho smiled, blush forming on his cheeks.

" you wanna talk about it?"

Bdubs shook his head, "Not now."

"Will you ever talk about it?"

Bdubs bit his lip and then shrugged, smiling sheepishly.

Etho sighed and then smiled, lightly bumping into Bdubs, making him blush.

"It's alright. Now, do you need help?" Etho asked and Bdubs nodded.


Etho chuckled as he pulled the math homework towards him, taking out his own.

Bdubs gasped, "Thank you!"

Etho smiled, "That's what friends are for."

"You know, for a friend, I don't really know much about you." Bdubs said, starting to copy down Etho's work.

"What do you mean?"

"Like...I don't really know too many of your interests."

"Oh, well I like a bunch of horror stuff, but Wall-E is my favorite movie."

"Cool! I'm more of a Marvel person myself."

They continued chatting when Bdubs decided to bring up the personal questions.

" you know what you identify as?" Bdubs asked.

Etho flushed red, "Er- what?"

"You know..." Bdubs muttered, "Like...well I'm gay, for example."

"O-oh..." Etho trailed off, looking uncomfortable.

Just then, the bell rang, and they had to go to their class.

Etho grabbed his work and sighed as he slumped towards biology.

Bdubs won't care, he's obviously supportive of people in the community because he's a part of the community himself! I really feel comfortable telling him?

Later (Sorry for the sudden switch to Etho's POV there, it's back to Bdubs's)-

"Bdubs, come on!" Skylar said, tugging on Bdubs's arm after they walked out of biology.

"What? Where? The cafeteria is this way!" Bdubs said, walking to the left.

Skylar rolled her eyes, "Idiot. Don't you remember? We have the gay straight alliance club today!" She smiled.

"Oh! That's right!" Bdubs said, and let Skylar lead the way.

Bdubs looked around as they walked into the chemistry teacher's classroom.

"Hello dears!" She smiled as they walked in, "Are you here for the gay straight alliance club?"

Bdubs and Skylar nodded.

There were already a couple of kids in there, and Bdubs and Skylar spotted their other friend, Cleo! She was talking with a guy with cyan hair, who looked pretty nervous.

"Cleo!" Skylar and Bdubs shouted, running over to her.

Cleo turned around and laughed as her friends tackled her into a hug.

"Hey guys! I was wondering where you were."

"Is anyone else coming?" Skylar asked and Cleo shrugged.

"I'm not sure about anyone in our friend group. But I was just talking with Scott here, and he's really nice." She said, motioning to the guy with cyan hair.

He smiled nervously and waved.

Bdubs and Skylar waved back before turning to Cleo.

The gay straight alliance club was mostly just a club full of accepting, chaotic people where you just sit and talk.

Some people were playing uno, others were talking about all the homophobic people they have to deal with, and a couple of kids were talking about their family and whether or not their accepting of them being gay.

Bdubs smiled as he sat down next to Skylar and got dealt into a game of uno.

About halfway through the club, the door opened, and someone came running in.

"Sorry I'm late." They said, sounding out of breath.

Everyone turned to look at them and Bdubs eyes widened.

"It's okay, dear." The chemistry teacher said, smiling at them, "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Okay...well, my name is Etho, and I'm gay."

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