Christmas (despite it being August lol)

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Etho's Perspective-

There were just a couple weeks left before Winter break.

It was full of tests, but eventually it was over.

Etho smiled as his break started.

It was the first day, and Etho was planning on sleeping in.

Well, those plans were quickly interrupted as someone started calling him.

Despite it being noon, he was exhausted.

"What." He snapped, answering the phone.

"Wow, thanks for treating your boyfriend so nicely." Bdubs said, rolling his eyes.

Etho blushed as he sat up.

"B-Bubbles! Hi! Sorry, you just woke me up."

"It's literally noon."

"And?" Etho asked, yawning and stretching.

Bdubs giggled.

"Now why're you calling me so early?" Etho asked.

"Well, me and Skylar are planning on hanging out on Monday before she leaves on her trip to her grandparents' place. You wanna come with?"

"Oh, sorry, me and Pammy are hanging out on Monday."

"Pammy can come to! I'm sure she and Skylar will get along well."

Etho hummed, "Let me ask her and I'll get back to you later."

"Okay! Bye!"

Etho chuckled, "Bye Bubbles."


Pammy was more than happy to hang out with Etho's boyfriend and their friend, so Etho spent the next couple of days waiting for Monday.

Monday Afternoon-

Etho and Pammy both smiled as Bdubs and Skylar answered the door.

Etho had decided to take his mask off as Pammy kept telling him too.

"Hey Etho! And you're...Pammy, right?" Bdubs asked as his friends walked in.

Pammy nodded, "Yep! Pammy, Pam, that one weirdo; whatever name you wanna call me is good."

Skylar giggled, "I relate to that last one."

Pammy smiled, "And you're Skylar?"

Skylar nodded.

Pammy then gasped as her eyes landed on Bdubs's Christmas Tree.

"I love your tree!" She squealed.

"Oh, thanks! Me and my dad put it up. Scar also stopped by to pick up some of his ornaments. It kind of feels...empty." Bdubs muttered the last part, tears forming in his eyes.

Etho looked concerned and he hugged his boyfriend.

"N-no, Etho, I'm okay. You don't need to- "

"Bdubs, you look like you're about to cry." Skylar said, folding her arms, "You're clearly not okay."

Bdubs nodded and broke apart from the hug, wiping his eyes.

He put on a smile, "I'm fine."

"Look, I've only known you for a couple of minutes, but it's clear that you have some of your past that you're still dealing with." Pammy said.

Bdubs giggled.

"But really, I'm okay."


"Hey Bdubs!"

Bdubs paused the game they were playing and looked up.

Pammy had walked in with the Christmas box, "Mind if I decorate a bit more?"

"Er- sure." Bdubs shrugged.

"I can help." Pammy said, getting up.

"What? But the game- "

"Just take me out!" Pammy called.

Bdubs raised an eyebrow but shrugged again and told the game that only he and Etho were playing.

"Hey Bubbles?"

Bdubs hummed.

"Are you sure you're okay about Scar?"

Bdubs's eye twitched and Etho paused the game.

"Bubbles, I want you to talk to me when something's- "

"I don't know what's wrong!" Bdubs said, bursting out in tears, "I'm trying so hard to be happy! Especially since Christmas is soon! But I just- I can't stay happy."

"Do you wanna hang out on Christmas?"

Bdubs blinked, "Can you?"

"I don't think I'm doing anything after we have family brunch and open presents."

Bdubs smiled, "That'd be great!"

Etho smiled back and they finished up their game.

After a couple minutes, they got up to find their friends.

Bdubs heard them talking in his bedroom and he sighed.

They're probably looking through my stuff.

Etho and Bdubs stood next to each other in front of the door, about to knock, when Bdubs's father said,

"Ooo! Mistletoe!"

Bdubs and Etho looked up and they both turned red.

Bdubs's father laughed, "Don't worry, I can leave."

He walked away and entered his office.

Bdubs and Etho both looked at each other and Bdubs laughed nervously.

"We don't- we don't have to- "

Bdubs got cut off as Etho kissed him.

He immediately broke it by pulling away.

"I- I'm sorry, you probably weren't okay with it and I just- "

"No, no it''s fine." Bdubs said, smiling and blushing as he held Etho's hand and kissed his cheek.

This is probably one of my favorite Christmas's.

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