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Etho's Perspective-

Finals soon started, and I was buried in books.

I had so much to study for in such little time.

And throughout finals, something kept distracting me.

Like an annoying song I couldn't get out of my head.

Every day at lunch, I saw the same thing.

What was that thing?

It was Doc and Bdubs.

At first, I just assumed they were good friends, but lately, it seems like there's something going on behind my back.

I talked to Skylar about it, and she just said that everything seemed normal.


It wasn't normal.

I know it wasn't.

And after two weeks of watching them flirt, I was furious.

Later (alr so we're gonna switch to Etho and Doc's text messages. Cool? Cool)

Etho: Hey Doc! Er- so I need to talk to you about something really important.

Doc: Shoot.

Etho: Well...I think you and Bdubs are doing something behind my back.

Doc: ...what?

Etho: It just- every day you two are flirting with each other and it's really gotten on my nerves.

Doc: Me and Bdubs are doing nothing behind your back! We're just friends.

Etho: Are you tho? It doesn't seem like it.

Doc: Don't worry, Etho, nothing's going on behind your back.

Etho: Really?! I don't believe that.

Doc: Well I'm telling the truth!

Etho: I'm going to talk to Bdubs.

Doc: Fine. Go through all this trouble just to realize that I was telling you the truth.


I sighed as I walked into school the next day.

Everyone was talking cheerfully as today was the last final.

I walked around, looking for Bdubs.

Eventually, I found him sitting and talking with Skylar.

"Hey Etho!" Bdubs smiled, waving to me.

I looked at him and my heart cracked.

"Hey...everything okay?" Bdubs asked, walking up to me.

I froze.

All this time, I was so scared of Bdubs breaking up with me.

But now,

I was leaving him.

I tried so hard to keep everything together, that it all fell apart.

I tried so hard to fix it, that I ended up doing more harm than good.

And Bdubs...

I loved him so much, that I ended up hating him.

"Etho?" Bdubs snapped a finger in front of me and I blinked, snapping back, gasping a bit.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I- just worried about this last final." I said, forcing a smile.

Bdubs narrowed his eyes.

"Are you sure that's it?"

I hesitated and looked to the ground before nodding.

" can tell me what's up."

"Nothing's up."

"...are you sure?"

I nodded again.

Bdubs sighed, "Alright, I'll take your word for it. But promise me you'd tell me when something's up."

"I- I promise."

Bdubs smiled.


"So that's why we need to talk before you leave on your family trip."

Bdubs blinked, "What?"

"You said that your family's going to Maryland to visit grandparents and aunts and uncles, correct?"

Bdubs nodded.

"I need to talk to you before you leave."

"O-okay. Is everything- "

"Everything's fine, thanks."

I then turned around and left to my class.

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