S2 Ep7: X Marks The Spot

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As I reflect on my life, I realize that people often wonder about the reasons behind who I have become, particularly considering my upbringing in a strict household. My father, a resolute farmhand, made a deliberate choice to move our family to this secluded place, which I initially believed to be the safest option.

However, there was always a member of our family who perplexed me, my older brother, Y/N. He projected an air of toughness and kept his distance, making it difficult for me to understand him. This contradiction between his behaviour and the kindness and angelic nature of our mother only fuelled my curiosity further.

Eventually, the truth unravelled before me, and my animosity towards him began to take shape. These experiences have undoubtedly shaped the person I am today. So, if anyone wishes to delve into the depths of my life story, let me introduce myself properly.

My name is X, and this is my tale.

I opened my eyes, only to find my arms tightly chained to the cold, unforgiving wall. Flames danced vividly in my memory as I tried to recollect what had happened. The last thing I remembered was being surrounded by a raging inferno that consumed our home. My heart sank as the realization hit me, my mother had perished within those fiery walls. But what about my father and older brother? I had no clue of their fate.
Questions raced through my mind, each one more tormenting than the last. Did they allow me to be taken? Surely, they loved me. They wouldn't abandon me willingly, would they?

Suddenly, the heavy door to my cell creaked open, revealing a man I didn't recognize. He sported prominent sideburns, his presence exuding an air of unfamiliarity and danger. "What do you want?" I demanded, my voice laced with defiance as I struggled against the restraints, desperately attempting to break free.

The man approached me, his gaze piercing into my soul. With a hint of amusement dancing across his lips, he replied, "You're just like your father. But what I really want to know is where your older brother is."

My heart pounded in my chest, fear and anger intertwining within me. I couldn't let him divert the conversation. "Where is my father?" I retorted, evading his question with one of my own, desperate for any shred of information.

The man's smirk widened, a twisted satisfaction evident in his eyes. "Dead. He wasn't enough to stand against Ozai," he informed me, his words stabbing at my heart with each syllable.

As the weight of his words settled deep within me, a surge of anger and determination coursed through my veins. I lunged forward, my intention clear, but the man was prepared for my desperate attempt. His fist collided with my face, the impact sending shockwaves of pain through my skull.

Struggling to regain my composure, I spat out a mouthful of blood and forced the words through gritted teeth "I don't know where my older brother would seek refuge....Why do you care so much?"

His grip tightened around my face, his fingers digging into my skin mercilessly "Fire lord Ozai wants him as leverage" he hissed, the venom in his voice seeping into my wounds

Relinquishing his grip, he took a few steps back, a sinister smirk playing upon his lips "It appears i'll have to teach you a lesson" he sneered, his eyes aflame with malice.

In one seamless motion, he spun unleashing a torrent of searing fire in my direction. Bracing myself for the inevitable, I prepared to confront my fiery demise


Gasping for breath, I abruptly sat up, my body drenched in cold sweat. Nightmares of my past torments haunted my restless slumber once more. It was Zhao, the relentless torture, who had inflicted so much pain upon me.

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