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" San? "

San heard his name called from the doorway and turned to look.
He saw a silhouette from the doorway and recognized it to be Ryujin.

" Captain wants to speak to you. "
She said and leaned against the door frame waiting for San.
San rolled his eyes and got up, he walked over to Ryujin and raised his eyebrows.
His figure towered over her easily.

She looked him up and down and avoided eye contact.
San chuckled to himself and shook his head walking to the Captain's office. His ego was through the roof knowing that no matter how hard she denied or opposed it, he had her wrapped around his finger.

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San opened the door with a golden plate that read CAPTAIN on.
Inside was an antique looking room, with dark brown wood flooring and walls.
Bookshelves with numerous different books and then antique and older looking items and jewelry that seemed expensive.

Hongjoong has a tendency to collect atleast one a few jewelry or expensive items or collectibles from each place he find worthy his time to rob or blow up as a memory - which he stores in these said bookshelves in his office. They're protected with glass and he is the only one with access to the key that unlocks the glass protecting them.

He treasures them so much that is, the oldest antique goes all the way back to the start of his gangster and hitman years, back when he was around 14 years old, when he met Hongjoong. Now, he is 25 years old.

In the middle sat a table with a computer with 2 screens on it, a man, Hongjoong if you will, with neon blue hair sat behind them staring up at San with his fingers entangled infront of his face, his elbows leaning on the table.

Hongjoong's feared in the gangster industry and if he finds out someone betrayed him or didn't own up to their words he'd burn down their house and make them watch it, he'd make them watch him torturing their family members and loved ones. He has no mercy whatsoever no matter who it is that breaks his trust.

San doesn't feel fear, but he does know one thing, and that is that he's smart enough to know that one shouldn't pull the wrong strings with Hongjoong, not only for your own sake but for the others surrounding you aswell.

" You wanted me? "
He spoke with a smug smile on his face at the leader, San was leaning against the doorframe and looked at Hongjoong with raised eyebrows..

One of the only reasons Hongjoong kept San in the gang is that despite his big mouth and attitude, he still is one of Hongjoong's most trusted and one of the best and talented hitmen out there, with a body count of exactly 223 and counting. - Dead bodies count, although you wouldn't really be surprised if his body count with people he'd slept with  was more.

" Wipe that smile off your face and get into the room, I need to have a chat with you. "
Hongjoong spoke and crossed his arms leaning back in his office chair.

As San took a step into the room and closed the door, Hongjoong stood up from his chair and looked out the window.

" Did you plan on explaining what you were doing overnight behind bars? "
He asked, watching the highway and bridge from the building, his hands behind his back. The sleeves of his white button up shirt was cuffed up to his elbows, displaying scars from various different fights and unexpected gatherings from other gangs he had.

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