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" So.. you and San used to be friends?"

" Pretty much, and now he's on my tail for the rest of my life." Mingi replied and sighed.

" Did he ever find his baby sister?" Wooyoung asked, not because it was necessary to know but just out of blatant curiosity.

" Not that I know of.."

Wooyoung couldn't help but feel bad for San as much as he could not understand why and hated it, it's probably just because he's human and is capable of feeling sympathy for someone, unlike San.

One thing Wooyoung knew for certain though, is that the next time he and Changbin is looking through the 'Missing People files' he's gonna take an extra good look.

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Thursday, November 6th

" See you soon?" Mingi said.

" Yeah.. thank you again for the things you've said, it's gonna help alot during the investigation." Wooyoung said.

Wooyoung was about to turn and head to his car when he felt Mingi's arms wrap around his waist from behind and pull his back flush against his chest.

" A Kiss goodbye?" Mingi asked him softly, and if it wasn't dark then Wooyoung would be able to see that Mingi was infact actually blushing.

Wooyoung turned around and smiled at Mingi before pulling him down for a sweet and gentle kiss, Mingi's hands held Wooyoung's waist gently.

After some seconds Wooyoung pulled away from Mingi and smiled at him, he felt Mingi wanting to kiss for longer and chuckled a little.

" I have to go now, I have work early in the morning and I have alot to do and alot of things to sort out." Wooyoung spoke, Mingi sighed a little.

" Alright, I'll see you soon, bye!" Mingi said, and Wooyoung walked away over to his car.

Mingi watched as Wooyoung drove away and sighed, he turned this head about 90 degrees and to stare directly at San who was watching him with a deadly glare on his face.

Friday, November 7th
07:21  -  07:21 am

" Good morning chief." Wooyoung called out as Yunho entered the station's kitchen area, he went over to the coffee maker and made himself some coffee.

" Morning Wooyoung, I suppose you haven't checked the DDD list yet?" He proposed and turned to look at him.
Wooyoung felt a little stab in the gut, already knowing what Yunho was gonna say.

" No.." Wooyoung muttered, looking down at his cereal bowl and wishing hell would release itself on him.

" You're on DDD duty, and I don't want you slacking off like last time. " Yunho spoke and pointed at him.

Wooyoung sighed a bit but nodded, he'd probably slack off again but it'll be fine, once the chief finds out all the work Wooyoung is doing to solve the cases for Shax then he'll be free to go.

" Whaddup Woo??!!" He heard the familiar voice of Changbin.

The latter plopped down beside him on the kitchen stools while swinging his feet back and forth, lightly but involuntarily bumping it against the kitchen counter every once in a while.

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