007 ⚠️

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" I'll be back, I have to pee. "

He spoke, Changbin only chuckled at Wooyoung's voice as he stood up from his seat and stretched his arms.

He had to pass Mingi and Bobby's table to get to the men's stalls.

Changbin had his back to Mingi and Bobby, this resulted in him not noticing when Mingi got up from his seat. Bobby followed Mingi with his eyes , he grasped his wrist before Mingi could walk away from him and whispered " Where and what the hell do you think you're doing? "

" I'm gonna go and take a piss like a normal human being? "
Mingi responded and pulled out of Bobby's grasp.
Bobby stared at Mingi before nodding slightly to himself, Mingi made his way to the bathroom.

For your idea, taking a piss was not what Mingi planned on doing in there.

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Wooyoung opened the door to the men's bathroom, stepping in he observed the interior and people, or rather.. the absence of people.

To his right were the counters with built-in sinks, and to his left were the bathroom stalls, all were unoccupied. The whole bathroom was vacant of any people.
The floor was the same wood as the one outside, only the walls were white tiles in here, opposite the stone wall outside.

It was decorated just as you'd expect a bathroom to be, a painting of a ship out at sea during a storm hanging on the wall, a big mirror infront of the sinks covering from one side of the wall to the other.

He went into one of the stalls furthest in the room, staying as far away from the door as possible as he refused to do his business and possibly let anyone hear, he disliked public restrooms just for that reason. He locked the door, slightly humming some tunes to himself out of habit when he's alone and doing his business, drowning out the awkward noises.

Just as he'd exited the stall door and walked to wash his hands in the sink, the door opened.
He was about to greet the man but instantly swallowed his words when he saw Mingi enter.

You have a knife on you, you have a knife on you, you have a knife on you.
He reminded himself as he only smiled a little at Mingi.

The chances are low that he'd meet an another bad person who's involved with breaking the law 3 days in a row.. right?
That's what he told himself atleast.

He saw out of the corner of his eye that Mingi was leaning on the wall, the door was closed.

You have a damn knife on you.

He walked up to the door, mentally praying despite not being religious that Mingi would just let him pass.

As Wooyoung approached Mingi and got closer, he became all too aware of their height difference, how the hell was a police officer this short???

" Oh not so fast. "
Mingi cooed, grasping Wooyoung's wrist before he reached the door.
He had a smirk on his face that only meant bad news, staring at Wooyoung's face up and down, he pulled Wooyoung further into the room and stopped, holding him close to himself by his right wrist. He didn't need to hold a tight grip however because Wooyoung complied, he wanted to see what Mingi wanted to do before potentially harming him.

Still.. for just a peace of his mind, Wooyoung; albeit a little timidly, pulled out his knife by his free hand and lightly pressed the sharp blade to Mingi's thigh, enough to warn the man towering before him that he was  armed.

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