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San had sobered up after a couple minutes, and now he was just sat at the bar counter and was deep in thought.

Jongho was somewhere off in the corner, it looked like he was talking with someone while smoking weed, he had his arm around their waist so San figured that he was trying to get laid tonight.
He figured that that is what he should do too, right? But no, he wanted someone else.
Did he not?
Something caught his ears, a familiar squeaky laugh that he'd unconsciously missed, he turned his head and lo and behold Jung Wooyoung was in the building.

But he wasn't alone, and San saw red once he realizes who is currently holding his hand.

Song Mingi.

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Right before the night-out...

Wooyoung was back at home and was somewhat relaxing in his couch, his mother had dropped by his house with his cat named Sapphire, Sapphy for short.
Sapphy's a white Norwegian forest cat with striking blue eyes. Wooyoung had given Sapphy to his mother for some time because he hadn't been home much the past few weeks and needed someone to watch over her for the time being - which his mother gladly insisted on doing.

Sapphire cuddled up to his leg, he stroked her fur gently while looking through some paperwork that was related to Skylar, He held some papers printed out of a news article of Skylar's disappearance that he'd digged up from the corners and shadows of the web.
San better be thankful for doing what he's doing.

It has passed like a few days since their last encounter where they had been making-out and it was currently November 13th, a very late Friday night, it's times like these that Wooyoung regrets picking up this career.

Don't get him wrong, It is great, it is fun and you get a different view of life. The money is great and old people love you, and free discounts!
But it is nights like these, ones that his friends (that aren't cops or detectives) are out partying, and having a good time when he's stuck with his eyes glued to a computer-screen and updating or investigating different cases or with his nose deep in stacks of papers and files that he kind of wants to quit his job or jump off a mountain.

But hey? Everything good comes with a price, and it's just one you have to pay.

'' Last seen wearing her Pinkie Pie onesie, location in Seoul. She's about 4'1 and has black hair and dark brown eyes. ''
Wooyoung imagined that Skylar would look really similar to San, maybe like a female child version of him, maybe even the same dimples that Wooyoung only caught the briefest glimpse of.

Wooyoung fortunately found out where her general location would be, with the help of face recognition and database scanning in CCTV cameras they were able to locate 54 different potential sightings of Skylar, and rounding it down to that she would be somewhere in the area of 36 kilometres (118 feet).

He looked through his papers, adjusting the glasses on his nose when his phone started ringing.
He was right now too deep in reading the news articles and trying to come up with leads so he didn't even spare a glance toward his phone.

It was only when Wooyoung heard the voicemail go off, and a familiar deep voice coming from the speakers of the phone, that he actually turned his head to look at it.

" Hi.. I'm assuming you're busy right now but I was wondering whether or not you wanted to meet up again.. as far as I know you've been hanging inside for the most time and I think it's about time you get out.. " Mingi spoke into the phone, Wooyoung looked at his phone and sighed a little.

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