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" Mr. X will come and get you later. He has questions for you. " Yoongi spoke, Wooyoung didn't reply and sat down with his back against the stone wall. He eyed the figure across the room from him while Yoongi spoke. " Food and water will be served by servants, you either eat and drink what you get or nothing. It's your choice. " Yoongi informed, and Wooyoung could already tell from his words alone that the food was likely not good and was made of very poor quality.

Upon noticing Wooyoung being distracted, Yoongi in response stepped closer, his hand going to grip Wooyoung's jaw and forcing him to look up at him. Wooyoung could tell Yoongi enjoyed the obvious power he held here. " Guards are outside and around you always, you're never alone. So don't even think about escaping, Officer. " He taunted the younger.

Yoongi let go of his jaw before stepping backwards away from Wooyoung, Wooyoung watched him with a dead-pan expression on his face as Yoongi slowly exited the Chamber, leaving Wooyoung alone with his thoughts and alone with whoever the shadow figure was.

" Now how the hell am I supposed to get out? "

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Wooyoung, where are you? I need you back. Now. Soobin scares me.
That was the thing running through Changbin's mind in the moment. It had been 4 days since anyone had seen Wooyoung. The first day Wooyoung was gone, no one at work suspected anything because he wasn't even supposed to show up this day. He had planned to have the day off to sleep away the hang-over from the day prior. However, the third day, he was supposed to show up at work to work with Changbin. He was also set on D.D.D. Only making it weirder that he hadn't shown up to clean the dirty dishes from breakfast.

Changbin had tried calling Wooyoung a couple of times, hoping to get an update on him and if he was on his way to work and why he was late, possibly even an update on how the night with the girl he saw that Wooyoung went home with went and how it ended. Yet he's met each time with Wooyoung's voicemail;
' Hi, if you're hearing this that means that I'm busy and can't chat with you right now! If it's important; please leave a message or text me. If not then wait for me to call you back. Bye~ '

Weirdly enough Changbin found himself missing Wooyoung by that voicemail alone, even though Changbin hadn't seen him for only 3 days. Maybe his conscious mind already predicted the future, realized that Wooyoung was gonna be gone for way too long, and found himself already missing him by that realization alone. And hearing his voice speak in that cheerful tone only made him miss him more.

And now. The 4th day without any trace of Wooyoung had rolled around, and Changbin had been called into Yunho's office. He suspected that it had to do something with Wooyoung considering how he was the last person to see Wooyoung before he left with that girl.

The door he dreaded came into view, making him stop walking through the cubicle hall. Although he'd spoke many times to Yunho he can't help but feel a little dread when speaking. Wooyoung was supposed to be at work today, and he wasn't. The station has tried contacting Wooyoung to no response and now Changbin has been called into the office to speak to Yunho about Wooyoung. Yunho was probably fuming already on the other side of the door. And from Yunho's point of view, it's understandable. Not that long ago Wooyoung happened to again, disappear without a trace for a short amount of time before suddenly returning. It happened again with no notice and Yunho probably had had enough.

Changbin knocked on the door, rocking back and forth on his tippy toes and heels as he waited for permission to enter. When he did so he turned the door knob and pushed open the door. It creaked open to reveal his office, and Changbin gulped nervously. Why was he nervous? This wasn't his fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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