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The episode was much worse today hence earlier events, when he'd broken his own promise.

It triggered him, and it had never been to this extent.

San began hyperventilating.
The sounds, every gunshot he's ever fired out ringing all at once, the floor under him turning a pool of red him as he thought he'd been stabbed by his mother with the same knife he'd used to kill her.

Everything and everyone was too much for him.
It was all too much.
Too much.
Too much.
Too fucking mu-

San's panting was cut short by soft lips that pressed against his.

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Was it real?

San didn't know.

All he knew is, Wooyoung was kissing him, whether it's real or not.

Wooyoung himself didn't feel.. real.
He'd thrown all rational thinking out the window, probably making a huge mistake he'd sooner on regret, and pulled San in for a kiss. He just wanted him to calm down, seeing San so afraid like that did something to him... he didn't know what, and he wasn't sure if it was good or not..

Not to forget his duty as a police officer would expect him to be doing everything in his power to protect others, and if a kiss or non-platonic make-out session was the only solution, then he will do it without any second thoughts.

.. What?

San lost his control of focus.
His vision had blurred completely, up until the moment when Wooyoung, without any warning, pressed his lips against San.

San's instincts to push Wooyoung away, to stop the man from giving him his sympathy just flew right out of the window as San's parted lips slowly pecked once in between a few seconds at Wooyoung's lower lips.
He somehow knew Wooyoung's intentions, that he didn't want for this to turn out to anything hot or messy, but that's what worried San.
He didn't want it to be sweet or passionate, he wanted it to be hot and messy, because that's what he was used to and the only thing he wanted.

He didn't dare to try "sweet" with anyone, he didn't dare to kiss someone only for the sheer purpose to kiss, to share a loving moment, he couldn't feel the love that someone normal would feel, or he just wouldn't let himself feel?

Wooyoung's hands moved from around San's stomach, he slid his hands up San's sides and soon reached his face.
His breath hitched at Wooyoung putting his hands by his eyes, shielding his peripheral vision from his lurking fears.
He saw nothing, but the man infront of him, the only thing he saw, Wooyoung.

San's uncle called angrily out for him, he heard loud stomping behind him growing closer as if his uncle was angrily stepping over causing him to restrain in Wooyoung's gentle hold and grip the latter's wrists in fear of what would happen next, he shivered as he felt vulnerable, he hated feeling like this and not to mention the fact that Wooyoung is witnessing it all.

He whimpered and Wooyoung thought of his next move.

San's breath hitched when he felt a breath on his ear, not Wooyoung's.
He continued hearing the stomping around him, and even though he'd shut his eyes long ago out of anticipation; he knew that the figures stood tall around him, and if he'd open his eyes he'd meet the fears, burdens, and nightmares that he'd buried deep within himself a long time ago.

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